Site Stats

Last updated: March 23, 2006

Since 2001, I have been able to keep track of the amount of visitors to this site on a daily basis, including visitor demographics and habits. As well, I have been able to document my bandwidth usage to some extent.

I will give a brief explanation of the site statistics here. These stats are from December 2005.

Page Views (Hits)

[Visitors] Impressions Day (1) 1,500,000
[Visitors] Unique Day (1) 350,000
[Visitors] Impressions Month (30) 45,000,000
[Visitors] Unique Month (30) 10,000,000
[Visitors] Impressions December 2005 52,034,288
[Visitors] Unique December 2005 12,064,131

For page views or impressions, ABS serves about 1,500,000 page views per day, or 45,000,000 per month. In December 2005, 52,034,288 monthly page impressions were tracked. ABS Forums is not included in these statistics.


Internet Explorer 6.x 72.63%
Internet Explorer 5.x 19.21%
Mozilla 1.x 8.45%
Konqueror 3.x 0.018%
Opera 8.x 0.003%
Internet Explorer 4.x 0.002%
Netscape 4.x 0.002%
Java 1.x 0.002%
Opera 7.x 0.001%
Internet Explorer 7.x 0.0001%
Mozilla 0.x 0.00001%


1024x768 56.72%
800x600 22.26%
1280x1024 12.64%

The most common screen resolutions are 1024x768 at 56.72%, 800x600 at 22.26% and 1280x1024 at 12.64%. This Website contains JavaScript to shrink the width of the design for those viewing with a 800x600 resolution.

Operating System

About 95% of visitors are Windows users and about 3% are Macintosh users.


United States 68.45%
Canada 4.99%
United Kingdom 4.98%
Germany 2.40%
Australia 2.12%
Japan 1.81%
Sweden 1.10%
Finland 0.98%
Netherlands 0.96%
Brazil 0.89%
France 0.73%
Denmark 0.64%
Taiwan 0.58%
Korea 0.56%
Poland 0.52%
Norway 0.48%
Belgium 0.48%
Turkey 0.44%
Italy 0.44%
Israel 0.40%
Mexico 0.34%
Spain 0.32%
Hong Kong 0.31%
New Zealand 0.30%
Austria 0.27%
Singapore 0.27%
  Other 4.24%

About 68-90% of visitors visit from the United States depending on the statistics software. Next most common visitors come from Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Australia and Japan.


According to the Forums, there is an uncommon mix of both male and female visitors, about 60/40. The age range is dominated around mid 20s. There is a good portion of members in their 30s and late teens.