Albino Blacksheep » Text Files » The Meaning

 The Meaning by Sners

Denotative Meaning

albino /'æl'bi:neu/ n. (pl. -s) 1 person or animal lacking pigment in the skin and hair (which are white), and the eyes (usu. pink). 2 plant lacking normal col- ouring.

black sheep n. colloq. member of a family, group, etc. regarded as a dis- grace or failure

black -adj. 1 reflecting no light, colour-less from lack of light (like coal or soot); completely dark. 2 (Black) of the human group with dark-coloured skin, esp. African. 3 (of the sky etc.) heavily overcast. 4 angry; gloomy (black look, mood). 5 implying disgrace etc. (in his black books). 6 wicked, sinister, deadly. 7 portending trouble (things look black). 8 comic but sinister (black comedy). 9 (of tea or coffee) without milk. 10 (of industrial labour or its products) boycotted, esp. by a trade union, in a strike etc. -n. 1 black colour or pigment. 2 black clothes or material (dressed in black). 3 a (in a game) black piece, ball, etc. b player of this. 4 credit side of an account (in the black). 5 (Black) member of a dark-skinned race, esp. an African. -v. 1 make black (blackened his boots). 2 declare (goods etc.) 'black'. black out 1 effect of a blackout on. 2 undergo a blackout. [Old English]

sheep n. (pl. same) 1 mammal with a thick wooly coat, esp. kept for its wool or meat. 2 timid, silly, or easily-led person. 3 (usu in pl.) member of a minister's congregation. [Old English]

- The Oxford Dictionary of Current English - Oxford University Press 1993

Interpretation from dictionary

If black and sheep are uncompounded then, A sheep with the genetics of black wool, but a recessive gene that does not allow the black pigment to appear.


A person who is a follower with albino genetics.

If black and sheep are compounded then, A person who carries the albino gene that is disgraced or outcast from a group.


Uncompounded 'black' 'sheep' is not the same as compounded 'blacksheep'.

A 'sheep' is person that is a follower, uncomanding and unoriginal.

A 'blacksheep' is an outcast, completely unique and original. Note here that sheep are cloned.

An albino 'black' 'sheep' is physically different than its group, but still belongs to it.

An albino 'blacksheep' is physically different from the group it was banished or outcast from.

Oxymoron and Paradox

Black sheep that are albino are not black sheep at all. They can simply be called white sheep or sheep. The term albino is redundant.

If sheep means follower (deriving from flock of sheep), then it cannot be a blacksheep at the same time because a blacksheep is an outcast, the opposite of follower or of belonging to a group.

Albinos definitly can be blacksheep (outcasts), since they are physically different from their group. Though, at the same time, albinos cannot be black, since they lack such physical properties. Finally, albinos would find it difficult to be sheep (followers in a group), since sheep (group members) are all alike and hold the majority while albinos are rare.

Discussion 1

xxjaCQueLynxx: i dont get your info
xxjaCQueLynxx: what is albino black sheep neways
AlbinoBlacksheep: albino blacksheep
xxjaCQueLynxx: and what bunnies
AlbinoBlacksheep: to find the meaning of it, you can go to mars
xxjaCQueLynxx: hmmm....
AlbinoBlacksheep: I have the definition in an old post
xxjaCQueLynxx: dont really get it but i'm about to go to the website
xxjaCQueLynxx: hhhmmmm..
xxjaCQueLynxx: what is it
AlbinoBlacksheep: did you read all the posts?
xxjaCQueLynxx: i didnt want to click and seee the video cuz my mom usez the computer too and i dint know if she looks at the history of the internet sites
xxjaCQueLynxx: so
xxjaCQueLynxx: whut is it
AlbinoBlacksheep: which video?
xxjaCQueLynxx: i really didnt getn what it waz by lookin at the lil bits of writin
AlbinoBlacksheep: the meaning of Albino Blacksheep is in the archives
xxjaCQueLynxx: didnt see that i'll go back
xxjaCQueLynxx: my momm came in so juss tell me
xxjaCQueLynxx: plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!
xxjaCQueLynxx: bbrb\
AlbinoBlacksheep: archives
AlbinoBlacksheep: on the left
xxjaCQueLynxx: nevermind
xxjaCQueLynxx: is it porn
AlbinoBlacksheep: no
AlbinoBlacksheep: archives
xxjaCQueLynxx: cuz the first thing i saw werew some titz
AlbinoBlacksheep: look on the left
AlbinoBlacksheep: it says demented link to Ab and archives
xxjaCQueLynxx: nm
xxjaCQueLynxx: i dont want to go back a third time
xxjaCQueLynxx: i saw it
xxjaCQueLynxx: i read a lil bit but it made no sence
xxjaCQueLynxx: it said aomthin bout mars
AlbinoBlacksheep: look at july
xxjaCQueLynxx: aight
AlbinoBlacksheep: July 17, 2001
xxjaCQueLynxx: sorry
AlbinoBlacksheep: why sorry?
xxjaCQueLynxx: went to that and it talked bout drinkin and stufff
xxjaCQueLynxx: what duz it mean
xxjaCQueLynxx: tell ,e
AlbinoBlacksheep: albino /'æl'bi:neu/ n. (pl. -s) 1 person or animal lacking pigment in the skin and hair (which are white), and the eyes (usu. pink). 2 plant lacking normal col- ouring.
xxjaCQueLynxx: in your own words
AlbinoBlacksheep: it's a paradoxal oxymoron
xxjaCQueLynxx: i know
xxjaCQueLynxx: but what is the website
AlbinoBlacksheep: a play on words
AlbinoBlacksheep: the website is for outcasts
xxjaCQueLynxx: i know what that is
xxjaCQueLynxx: ohhh thats what i asked for
AlbinoBlacksheep: blacksheep = outcast
AlbinoBlacksheep: black sheep n. colloq. member of a family, group, etc. regarded as a dis- grace or failure
xxjaCQueLynxx: thank you for finaly telling me that
AlbinoBlacksheep: it's all in july 17
xxjaCQueLynxx: well i loked in july but i didnt see that
xxjaCQueLynxx: maybe it wasnt the 17
AlbinoBlacksheep: yeah
AlbinoBlacksheep: you should read the old syuff someday
AlbinoBlacksheep: it's pretty good
xxjaCQueLynxx: do you consider yourself an outcast?
AlbinoBlacksheep: anyone who would visit the site must be
AlbinoBlacksheep: I might be
AlbinoBlacksheep: sorta
AlbinoBlacksheep: more like, original
xxjaCQueLynxx: why do you say that
AlbinoBlacksheep: it's just a name
xxjaCQueLynxx: creative ,do your own thing
AlbinoBlacksheep: yeah
xxjaCQueLynxx: ic
xxjaCQueLynxx: thatz kewl
AlbinoBlacksheep: the more you think about the name, the more you'll understand it
xxjaCQueLynxx: sumtimes its not good to fallow
AlbinoBlacksheep: it has many meanngs
AlbinoBlacksheep: and...
AlbinoBlacksheep: sheep follow
xxjaCQueLynxx: yea
AlbinoBlacksheep: so that's another paradox
AlbinoBlacksheep: sheep follow , but blacksheep don't
xxjaCQueLynxx: yea it is
AlbinoBlacksheep: interesting eh?
xxjaCQueLynxx: oh ya
AlbinoBlacksheep: and how can a sheep be black if it's wool is albino (white)
AlbinoBlacksheep: so then how could it be a blacksheep? how ould it be an outcast?
AlbinoBlacksheep: well if it is the white sheep, then it is different
xxjaCQueLynxx: i juss thought as a white black shee]
xxjaCQueLynxx: didnt think that far into it
AlbinoBlacksheep: oh
xxjaCQueLynxx: yup
AlbinoBlacksheep: let your friends know the new meaning
xxjaCQueLynxx: well yea yo have enlightend me
xxjaCQueLynxx: hehe
AlbinoBlacksheep: it's a name to make youn think
AlbinoBlacksheep: the meanings are endless
xxjaCQueLynxx: yes they are
xxjaCQueLynxx: that should be on the home page not sum titz
xxjaCQueLynxx: lol
AlbinoBlacksheep: I want to write up the meaning
AlbinoBlacksheep: but it's hard to explain
Princess DarkRose: (1:19 AM) Albino is the lack of pigement and black is the lack of color in light terms but the combination of all colors in pigment terms so technically if two black sheep had babies and they turned out albino, they would be albinoblacksheep.
xxjaCQueLynxx: yea
AlbinoBlacksheep: she sees it in a different way than both of us
xxjaCQueLynxx: YEA SHE DUZ
xxjaCQueLynxx: yea
xxjaCQueLynxx: there are to many ways to think of it\
Princess DarkRose: (1:23 AM) nope. because light refracts off of all things to make things seem a certain color. If there is no pigment than it's clear but the light refracts differently off of it. The eyes are pink and the nose is pink because the blood is reflected up, and the wool is white because it catches all the colors instead of none of the colors. If you put an albinoblacksheep in a closet with no light and close the door, he'd be black.
xxjaCQueLynxx: oh ic
AlbinoBlacksheep: everything is black in the dark
Princess DarkRose: (1:24 AM) Exactly, Absence of light.
Princess DarkRose: (1:25 AM) Oh wait... can it be? Wrong again honey? LOL
Princess DarkRose: (1:25 AM) Glowsticks glow in the dark
AlbinoBlacksheep: (1:25 AM) so are lighbulbs, duh
Princess DarkRose: (1:26 AM) Nuh unh. Glowsticks glow under their own power. Lightbulbs glow under the power of an external source.
AlbinoBlacksheep: (1:26 AM) the sun is bright in the dark too
AlbinoBlacksheep: (1:26 AM) potential energy
xxjaCQueLynxx: aighty then
Princess DarkRose: (1:28 AM) Yes, but you can't fit the sun in a closet either.
xxjaCQueLynxx: byebyeb\
AlbinoBlacksheep: what?
AlbinoBlacksheep: why?
AlbinoBlacksheep: I got tons more
xxjaCQueLynxx: my mothers bein a bytch
xxjaCQueLynxx: sry
xxjaCQueLynxx: well yea
xxjaCQueLynxx: ttyl
xxjaCQueLynxx: tell me then'
xxjaCQueLynxx: byebye
AlbinoBlacksheep: tell her you are understanding bioastronomy
xxjaCQueLynxx: merry christmas
AlbinoBlacksheep: have fun
xxjaCQueLynxx: okay
xxjaCQueLynxx: dont think shell give a shit
xxjaCQueLynxx: beybeye
AlbinoBlacksheep: bye :-)

Discussion 2

Albino Blacksheep: how could an albino blacksheep be a blacksheep is it is a sheep. sheep follow?
Albino Blacksheep: sheep follow, but a blacksheep is an outcast
Albino Blacksheep: but then again it looks albino(white)
Albino Blacksheep: but that would make it stand out in the flock of the black coloured sheep
Albino Blacksheep: and be a blacksheep again
Albino Blacksheep: like the rest - followers
Princess DarkRose: Albino is the lack of pigement and black is the lack of color in light terms but the combination of all colors in pigment terms so technically if two black sheep had babies and they turned out albino, they would be albinoblacksheep.
Albino Blacksheep: you see it in a different way
Albino Blacksheep: you talk much about color/light
Princess DarkRose: Yep. I see most everything in a different way.
Albino Blacksheep: I see it as follower/different
Princess DarkRose: Yes, but I'm talking technically.
Albino Blacksheep: so an absense of pigment is dark(black)
Albino Blacksheep: so albino really means black
Princess DarkRose: nope. because light refracts off of all things to make things seem a certain color. If there is no pigment than it's clear but the light refracts differently off of it. The eyes are pink and the nose is pink because the blood is reflected up, and the wool is white because it catches all the colors instead of none of the colors. If you put an albinoblacksheep in a closet with no light and close the door, he'd be black.
Albino Blacksheep: everything is black in the dark
Princess DarkRose: Exactly, Absence of light.
Princess DarkRose: Oh wait... can it be? Wrong again honey? LOL
Princess DarkRose: Glowsticks glow in the dark
Albino Blacksheep: so are lighbulbs, duh
Princess DarkRose: They have something in them that lights up in the dark. I forget what they're called but it doesn't matter anyways.
Albino Blacksheep: lightsources don't count
Princess DarkRose: Nuh unh. Glowsticks glow under their own power. Lightbulbs glow under the power of an external source.
Albino Blacksheep: the sun is bright in the dark too
Albino Blacksheep: potential energy
Princess DarkRose: Yes, but you can't fit the sun in a closet either.
Albino Blacksheep: but you could in a black hole
Albino Blacksheep: or is that an albino hole?
Princess DarkRose: And space is what's dark, not the sun. The part around the sun is dark. Wonder how? Don't. It makes my head hurt to think about it while I'm so tired.
Albino Blacksheep: absense of colour
Princess DarkRose: Nope. Nothing exists in black holes.
Princess DarkRose: And albino only refers to living things. A black hole isn't sentient nor is it alive.
Princess DarkRose: Mindy's here.
Princess DarkRose: She wants you to shave your head so she can lick it.
Albino Blacksheep: sheep get shaved
Princess DarkRose: Yes they do.
Princess DarkRose: You love it.
Albino Blacksheep: would you shave me?
Princess DarkRose: Yes she would.
Albino Blacksheep: no, not mindy
Princess DarkRose: and then she would lick your bald spots.
Princess DarkRose: :)
Princess DarkRose: Well Mindy and I are the only two here and she's the only one who likes licking bald shaved heads.
Princess DarkRose: And now I'm getting death glares. :)