Coincidence again

There was a bomb threat called in, in the middle of my examination! Argh! That means I didn't have to study this whole time. So anyways, I owe everyone at least a small update (with a rerun to cheat).

Continuing on the Star Wars theme, I stand behind the Chewbacca Defense for these following files because they just don't make any sense. This first one has that 5th Avocado/Demented Cartoon feeling.

Xbox Xenon


Here's a semi-loop made from the audio of that old Apple Switch ad featuring Ellen Feiss:

From the author of Pie Hole:

Based on possibly one of the first-ever Flash Loops, You Are an Idiot!:


For the Developers reading this site, the following are tutorials to guide you through creating animation or interface in Flash software. These are listed from beginner to advanced.


ABS, Fredryk Phox and Tally Hall were all part of MTV on the same day this Monday. (Jack Black claims "the man" ruined music with MTV.) They were browsing ABS live on air and even showed the Napoleon Dynamite Soundboard. Tally Hall is in a contest to win a record deal with Universal through MTVU. T'was a strange day for us all.

You have a lot of clicking to do here:

Allow me to introduce a new section of the site I have been experimenting with the past couple weeks. I am opening up the ABS Mobile section that provides ringtones, games and logos of all types for your cellular.

Sloof Lirpa

This first file is the actual tape that the characters watch in the horror movie ,The Ring. After watching it, they die exactly seven days later. The legend in the movie is that if you watch this tape you must pass it someone else to save your life, but this curses someone elses. I'm supposed to be using this file as promotional material for The Ring 2.

I found out very recently that The Truth about Apple users did not work for Mozilla and FireFox users, so try now.

Posted by Jake Jilg
OMG! It is finally complete! 14 months in the making, I proudly present to you:
Quest Crusade the multiplayer online role playing game, made in flash! Just answer a few questions and you are assigned a character and a town to live in. There are five towns and fifty different character bodys. You can chat with other players, fight them, and even get married. You can get elected mayor of your town and wage war on other towns. There is one same quest with monsters to get experience points and money. The princess of each town is kidnapped by an evil villian. And don't worry about someone saving her first, the princesses will get kidnapped over and over. All characters of the game are players with the exception of the villian and inn owners, pub owners, etc.

A Puzzle so simple... We will show you how to complete it first!

This wouldn't be April Fools without some classic prank downloads:

  • Gift.exe
  • metro.exe (Do not run this in Windows ME)