Mostly Games

You'll need to make sure you at least have Flash 7 to play these new games.

Christmukah Day

The Best Christmas Lights Display Ever! has now made it as a commercial for Miller Lite. Lights.. Lite.

The surprise for the 25th is the seasonal Xmas skin by Noam. I'll leave it up for about a day.

If you have Flash 7 or higher check out the Interactive Rodney Danger Tree.

Beware of S Day

Jimmy seems to submit one file to ABS each year right on schedule.

I interrupt this Holiday update to announce Tally Hall's newest music video, Greener, but I still prefer their older video, Banana Man so I will give it a bigger thumbnail, and Greener no thumbnail at all as punishment. You don't need QuickTime anymore to view it:

It was inevitable that the loop style would surface again:

Last, but not least here is a rerun of Hey Ya Hanukah. Oh, and maybe I'll post a little temporary surprise on the 25th.

You're the man now, dog!

From a 57 MegaByte Flash Project File, exported to a 25 MegaByte Flash file, converted to a 12 MegaByte video, back into Flash for this 10 MegaByte file. Please enjoy the following ABS original relic of pop-culture starring Conan O'Brien from Sneaky Weasel Studios: