Halloween 2006

The new Lemon Demon music video, Bad Idea, premieres today!

Bad Idea is animated by Andrew Kepple, and features "flight attendant guy" from I've Got Some Falling to Do.

If you are looking for more Halloween Files, check last year's Hallowe'en update.

The Stagknight trailer is up online in time for Halloween.

Where are we?

The annual ABS Hallowe'en update is coming very very soon to this site. In the meantime, determine if pencil art converted into flash animation may become a trend in the Albino Blacksheep community.

spoof (4:10:14 PM): dude.
spoof signed off at 4:11:32 PM.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Here it is. The best mouse pointer flash game on the Internet. Surprisingly from the same guy who called up the ABS Forums Image & Graphics moderator last year to complain about his suspension, but then won our hearts with Animugaytion.


These two videos are directly related in my mind. I'm sure the ABS community is happy to see "Somebody" back on the main page.

Jump on it

I think now is the time, with 13 unlucky days until Hallowe'en, to begin posting the creepy goulish flash movies.

Maxlord is new to Albino Blacksheep, so be easy on him.


Danny Miller, the maker of Stick Avalanche 1, 2 and the award-winning Psychopath is back on Albino Blacksheep with a new flash game.

You shall be divided into two groups. Those who can get an A+ at this game, and those who cannot. Try as many times as you'd like.

Yo holmes, to Bel-Air

Radio disc jockeys can be pretty crude, so the following file may offend. Proceed with caution. LazyBoy's older animation on abortion had startled some.

There was a plane crash in New York City yesterday, 10/11/06. Now take a look at that date upside down. Not unlike the Lincoln/Kennedy coincidences.


This newest animation looks like a hybrid between Drawn Dream and something by ZekeySpaceyLizard.


Today, I have added the song files to three previous videos.

This "video" should really be remade as a flash animation. Any ABS visitor/member up for the task?


RNet improved on his game from the summer.

No title

Today only will be a small comeback for animutation music videos.

A simple RPG made for ABS, but I like it because I know all the landmarks. Read the instructions!

Train your mind

IndustrialZombie created a flash game in the same style as Grow for Albino Blacksheep. Rules are the same. Through trial and error, introduce the planet to items in the correct order so that every item evolves completey.


Silentwulf4 demands for your attention in We Like Acid. Much different from his Funny Faces series.