I'll eat your eyes!
It's tradition to post some online clocks like Industrious Clock and People Clock on New Year's Eve here. There should be an update tomorrow featuring animation by ABS veterans.
It's tradition to post some online clocks like Industrious Clock and People Clock on New Year's Eve here. There should be an update tomorrow featuring animation by ABS veterans.
I figure the best gift I could give to ABS as a whole is a large update to keep you busy, and to accept a lot of your creations for this update, even ones you thought wouldn't make it.
Voice-over videos are rarely done right, so this example from 2002 would be an exception.
Our member Jimmy Egeland, who works at Vollmer, has released his company's holiday flash.
Great e-cards to send out if you are one of those e-card sending people.
It's a tradition to play Snowcraft around this time of year. Although, Internet Explorer's update may make it impossible for some.
Some of your creations from past years.
There's probably some people looking for I work at Burger King and Hey Ya Hanukah.
It is big news for gamers that the Wii remote (Wiimote) for the Nintendo Wii will be compatible with some flash games. Nintendo will soon release a Web browser onto its latest console allowing users to browse the Web and play online games using the Wiimote. I have put together a list of games on Albino Blacksheep that would work well with the Wiimote and encouraging ABS game developers to create flash games compatible with the Wiimote.
The offensive words and temper spoken by Michael Richards AKA Kramer from TV's Seinfeld has been remixed into a song. As well, an ABS animator who wishes to remain anonymous outside of the forums has made an animutation to go along with the remix. Download kkkramer.
It's almost time for a holidays update on ABS. Very soon, very soon. Send in your holiday entries now if you wish to be included.
R. Wappin is a machine! Three submissions in one month.
Silentwulf, known for his Funny Faces series on ABS is posting and submitting again on ABS Forums.
Nathan's latest were Squaresville and Offensive Crap.
His newest creations were saved up for one large psychedelic update.
Don't forget to check out the whole ZekeySpaceyLizard archive for more.
I'll have some good news for gamers very soon.