Llama, Llama, Duck
I think the Llama Song now has a worthy challenger.
I think the Llama Song now has a worthy challenger.
Caution. The following file may contain educational information.
Mike Gray created the following file using Flash, After Effects, Light Wave 3D and footage captured against a green-screen.
You've heard music by Richard Cheese and SOAD before.
The action movie Shooter starring Mark Wahlberg comes out this Friday and Paramount Pictures provided ABS with a couple online exclusive clips from the movie.
Another 11-minute funny video for the Weird Al directory.
Andrea, a fan of Ice-Core Scientist, introduced me to the music. Got in touch, and I wish the best.
The sequel no one asked for.
Speaking of sequels, spork_man22 says he will only make a third "Bureau of Justice" if people like Bureau of Justice 2. Let him know on the forum.
So Ben sent me a few of his parody animations to review, and this was the least cheesiet. A pun on Girl, Interrupted.