Llama, Llama, Duck

I think the Llama Song now has a worthy challenger.


Caution. The following file may contain educational information.


Mike Gray created the following file using Flash, After Effects, Light Wave 3D and footage captured against a green-screen.

One File per day?

You've heard music by Richard Cheese and SOAD before.

The action movie Shooter starring Mark Wahlberg comes out this Friday and Paramount Pictures provided ABS with a couple online exclusive clips from the movie.

Happy Spring

Another 11-minute funny video for the Weird Al directory.


Danny Miller is back! Give this game your undivided attention.

Was your beer green?

Andrea, a fan of Ice-Core Scientist, introduced me to the music. Got in touch, and I wish the best.

The Ides of March

Sick and injured

Been a week since this site was updated, and there were daily updates before that.

The song Break Ya Neck worked well in Shig, so how does it work with Nintendo?

Ryoshenron is known for his Sitcom and Supermart series, but is always experimenting with new things.

Wind Chill

The sequel no one asked for.

Speaking of sequels, spork_man22 says he will only make a third "Bureau of Justice" if people like Bureau of Justice 2. Let him know on the forum.

Cheesiest of the Cheese

So Ben sent me a few of his parody animations to review, and this was the least cheesiet. A pun on Girl, Interrupted.

No time for anything