Everything You Know Is Wrong!

Ryan spent all summer creating this new animation featuring music by Weird Al Yankovic.

Let's play categories

Balto: The TRUE Story is classified under Flash Videos » Music Video. Although it was a close call with animutation.

Old Man Pie is a back with a more serious followup to The Mucky Song.

The MP3 of Beheaded is classified under Audio Files » Old Man Pie.

There are some animations of epic proportions coming out very soon! September is looking good. Sorry about the whole University/College thing some of you are still finishing off, but the near future updates (coupled with Frosh week) should cheer you up.

Changes a-comin'

I'm working on some smallish site changes that should be ready in a week or two. If you have any suggestions or advice for changes, say, regarding the design/layout/graphics, now is the time to let me know.

Very difficult

Remember that prank redcuty made earlier this month? After numerous requests, redcuty turned it into a real game for Albino Blacksheep.

Terrible stuff

I'm going to be using this space to, perhaps, make site announcements, even if I am working on something not yet complete.

The almost Great AltF4 Update

It's incomplete, but another original Flash file and three one MP3s may be sent this way soon via AltF4.

You may be interested in the Lemon Demon Audio section which contains another Flash file by AltF4

West Xylophone

This is just a quick update. Finally, the trilogy of inversecoma's game is complete after one year.

Underclocker has a followup to Escalade featuring his Squishy character. Read his instructions for this new spin on Tetris.

The Nut Job

I quietly added the latest submission from Rachel (Tirrel) to the Epic Flash section. If you don't think it's worth the huge download, check out the The Ekkosangen as a reference.


I owe ryoshenron his own directory on the site, for certain.

I could tell you more details about this Super Mario production, but it would ruin the magic. Warning: There is not one swear word that goes unspoken.

Jimmy is back. It's almost like his Eco Bunnies have been reincarnated into other Earth-friendly creatures.

Before you continue, I want you to first see Delicious made by lewzerkid for ABS in April. He submitted a new animation to ABS very recently, and I am posting it to show all visitors the improvement on the quality of his work in only 3-month's time.

I'm adding free MP3s to the Audio section as I come across them. I've recently added Gonna Be Your Man, The Terrible Secret of Space, Invasion of the Gabber Robots and Chocolate Rain this week. If I am missing any free or Creative Commons audio files that are featured in animation or video, feel free to let me know.