Another successful animation collaboration with a couple of authors you have seen here recently.
Another successful animation collaboration with a couple of authors you have seen here recently.
In TOFA 2008 Round 1 here we have different animations by different Albino Blacksheep members with their take on Bob who wanted an apple.
Still have temporal overabundance? Check out all the Round 1 entries.
A successfully completed pixelated collaboration. Great things happen from working together.
Speaking of pixelated animations, India's Jackbliss is known for the following file which today has improved lipsyncing due to viewer feedback.
Now he's back with something a little more close to home.
Another commercial work by Jimmy Egeland, doing what he loves for a living. No animals in these for a change.
This is the progress with the Firewoks collab so far. Different fireworks simulated by different animators.