
The third installment of the Ecologically-friendly young rabbits is now released, but be sure you've seen Eco Bunnies 1 and Eco Bunnies 2.

CodeMonkey();, whose name may break your Website code if typed, challenges you to complete his game.

Super Mario true to Family Guy style, by Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane.

Your opinion matters. Did these ABS members improve their animation skills over the year? First, Lennox from 2007 followed by Lennox in 2008.

Now, Lord Zeebmork's Übercat in 2007, followed by Snail Jesus in 2008.

And the winner is...

A weakness that evolves into a strength.

Andrew "TooMuchSpareTime" Kepple is the winner of the Tournament of Flash Artists 2008. On top of prize money, he has won the games Crysis and Bioshock to make certain he has no more spare time to beat all in 2009, although he may have time to be a judge next year.

Bioshock Box Art Crysis Box Art

During the tournament Andrew Kepple pulled off three Epic-possible non-talkie animations, made use of every second of the time limits, and proposed a new flash series for ABS.

TOFA 2008 Winner's Signature

Kepple's challenger was Groovemastercox, a fairly new member to ABS who created Ninjas in our School Systems part 1 and part 2. Groovemastercox put up a great fight for all five rounds against many ABS veterans, but ran out of time in the final round to add sound for his last entry.

With not enough time and no sound, this is Groovemastercox's entry for "a weakness that evolves into a strength".

TOFA 2008 is now complete (although Professor Fate will be finishing his incomplete submissions), so onto the next contest - for Halloween. Now is the time to sign up for ABS if you want to participate later.

Get back to school

Unauthored Hoax proposes a new series to ABS.

Stay tuned for the winner of TOFA 2008.