Baby Gum Gums
Happy Halloween. There's some drama over at ABS Forums about some vote-cheating in the Halloween contest, but it has been sorted out and SaltyPeach is the true winner of the prize money.
Bad Idea Andrew Kepple MP3
The Dangers of Halloween LazyBoy
The Man with a Brain in a Jar Mr-Scriblam
Bad Moon Rising Dragonray Studios
Clown Show ZekeySpaceyLizard
JTHM Blood Meegz
The Song of The Count - Lemon Demon version PBS / Neil Cicierega
SPIDER bigjohn711
If you're in the mood for a much larger collection of Halloween media, you can head over to the October 2008 archive.
Yes, I've redesigned the site once again. You'll need the latest version of whatever browser you are using (Firefox and Chrome are good choices). Hopefully you're not still using Internet Explorer, but it will work somewhat on Internet Explorer 8. It's so sad to see all those new Windows 7 computers in the store with only IE installed on them complete with toolbars and sidebars. At least Windows 7 may mean the death of IE6.
I last redesigned in March 2009 because I was unhappy with the original 2009 redesign. I pulled quite a few all-nighters to get this new skin up and running. I basically took the old border backgrounds I originally made in Pain Shop Pro and then opened them in Photoshop to apply some filters. I have never used Photoshop for the site design until now. Photoshop is easy! I decided this time to pay attention to detail and not leave the right-side incomplete.
Also, this was the perfect time to speed up the site by moving all the external JavaScripts to the footer. I may get rid of the Weather, Mini Horoscopes and Real-Time Earth and Moon Phase from the sidebar, but we'll see.
Feel free to create skins (only one person has figured this out) or even just backgrounds for this site, and I'll feature them (if they are good).
Now, the scariest animation of all time from this year's TOFA winner, Jimmy Egeland. Ooooooooh.
Thanks to masaKmaeda on Twitter for reminding me to post this Halloween Einstein Joke.