Up Update New Year

Balloon Boy, Michael Jackson's death, Obama's Nobel Prize, Riots in Iran and so much more are covered in this video.

It seems Pogo has found his next big hit since Alice, although, Alice will remain my favourite song of his. Like Alice, Upular a unique song composed entirely from sounds from the Disney movie.

For those with nice enough weather to party this New Year's, as the guest commenter says, "follow the advice". Although, the guest spells is wrong and with all capitals.

Ho Ho Hold the Payments 2009

This game should keep your brain busy over the holidays. There's always Bloxorz and Run if you need more.

Boinky33 is back with a new Robot City Christmas special. You may want to watch these in their proper order.

I noticed on Twitter that there are some old-school visitors of this site that have an annual "shaking of the globe" this time of year.

Probably the best Christmas lights show going on this year.

JibJab's latest Christmas video.

Cracked Latin on Music Monday

Caracas Shakedown

Cracked Latin made the smart decision to release an animated Flash music video to promote their free MP3 "Caracas Shakedown", and they [insert neutral adverb here] chose Albino Blacksheep to premiere the video.


47times and screengems submitted some surprise update to the ABS Forums this week.

Come to see MysteryGuitarMan's latest musical creation, stay for the old man at the end. Two hours in the Apple Store and no one kicked him off the computer. You don't need to shell out for an Apple computer if you have access to an Apple store.

I'm always impressed with anything that syncs up perfectly, but the difference with the Honda ad is that it's all analog. Still, these custom Super Mario World levels impress. Thanks to Avid Lebon for posting this on the ABS Facebook page.


Our friends at Non-Existant Recordings have made another stop-motion lego music video. First since Blackbeard's Treasure, I believe.

Surn just submitted a double-feature animutation.

Nothing makes fun of New Moon better than Dimlight, but it is Music Monday afterall.

Mr.Fizzy's latest animation as well as a remake of his very first.

Videos are getting awfully spammy these days, but MysteryGuitarMan gets a pass for being an ABS veteran. I still like Guitar Impossible the best.

Drive Seek Errors!

Witch Doctor was one of ZekeySpaceyLizard's shorts of random dancing characters that just caught on. Since Zekey has some more random shorts, that can only he is up to something very big.

A really smart person would put an ad for keyboard replacements on cheese_016's game.

Monkeynuke promises this will be a 5-part Flash series. You may want to give feedback so he knows where to improve in the next episode.

Slow Firefox

My computer seems to be on its last legs.

Christopher Ricci (no relation to Bob Ricci) submitted this loop of himself. I'm thinking of committing to No Shave November next year and documenting it in the same way.

A beautiful 3D animation.