Ever since Alex Tanana's eye-popping and hypnotic submissions from last year, I have been hopeful for a reappearance from him. Today, he returns with Mantropa. Feedback is welcome.
I have not known someone who didn't say wow
after watching Dash It.
Flash enthusiast Aaron Simpson has alerted me about the latest Dick Figures episodes from our partners at Mondo Media. Prepare for more psychadelic scenes, but mixed in with regular stick figures. You'll have to watch to understand.
Amongst the White House recordings this little gem was discovered and passed around the net as an audio recording. Very intimate and detailed instructions from Lyndon B. Johnson (the president known for conducting meetings while on the toilet) on how he'd like his pants made were passed all over the Internet. Tawd Dorenfeld has created animation to go with the audio track to make this more accessible and viral to the Internet.
Just someone posting a video game glitch by changing the computer's clock mid-game, and trying to make a meme out of it. Perhaps it will spread, but you cannot force a meme. They just have to happen.