See you in September

Epsilon will try again next year.

Only one animator survived from each assasination mission. It's getting lonely in these barracks.

The above is part of an ongoing series. Two more rounds remain.

TOFA 2011 Round 2: Worst Date Ever!

You'll be doing a major service to these up and coming animators by leaving them feedback in the comments. You don't even need to register. The theme was worst date (or meeting) ever, and keep an eye out for a frozen mongoose hidden in each animation.

Only four will move onto the next round. Your feedback is more important than ever. All videos were a response to Operation: Frozen Mongoose.

Toxic AKA Bob Barker's entry is on the TOFA site, but he's fixing it up for this page, and Lepy was, sadly, a noshow. Apparently had a life crisis while working on his entry.

They made me do it

While Slinkers' voice actor, Kate, the voice of Ducky is away, Slinkers managed to whip up an animation for today's update.

Eternalthinker is back so quickly with another brain exploding game. Here are the rules. You can't leave this site until you beat it.

Just for reference, here is the April Fools prank 3-Cup, which you are not required to beat.

The game Fredryk Phantasy has been restored thanks to a thorough search on my old PC. This was a very popular RPG game made by Fredryk Phox where you battle against and team up with Internet celebrities. I'm a good guy in the game. Eric Bauman is, obviously, the most evil boss of the game. It will feel like 2006 all over again.

Less than one week left for the deadline of TOFA Round 2. See you all on the battlefield.

If anyone is interested in buying Web hosting from me with no bandwidth cap, please email me.

Unicorn Wish Battle

Molkman is back!

Be sure to check out Molkman's other animations and games.

Unicorn Wish Battle

Yes, this update features Mr.Fizzy

The Corporals of TOFA 2011 Round 2 have already seen the following video, but now it can be released to the civilian population.

Don't forget to see the first two in the series, TOFA 2011 Recruitment and TOFA 2011 Bootcamp

Daran Carlin-Weber, formerly Ixintro on ABS and now to be known here as Pixmintro, is working on a TV series. Here's a short he created with those TV characters.

On theme with Everything is a Remix, the following video is literally remixed movie clips. 739 movie clips, to be exact. Maybe that you'll recognize if you watch closely.

This would be audio equivalent. Edit: I host the MP3, but video has recently been blocked. However, it will load if you open it on an iPod, iPad or iPhone because I host the mp4 file of the video. Worth watching if you have such a device.

Mr.Fizzy is going through puberty. Here's his story.