Colin Mochrie's Birthday

If any Website is going to celebrate Colin Mochrie's birthday, it would be Albino Blacksheep where he was featured, against his will, in dozens of animations either as the star or for a split-second.

Colin Mochrie on Reddit

(The) Neil Cicierega is responsible for first placing Colin to Animutations, and the following Flash series (sorta) explains the story behind it.

There are plenty of brand new submissions that have come though, so you'll be seeing all new videos on here very shorty.

US Thanksgiving

In north American this bird is called a Turkey. In Turkey, they call it a hindi (from India), but in Hindi it is called a Peru. In Greek and Gaelic the bird is called a French chicken, but in French it is called "la dinde", which comes from poulet d'Inde - a chicken from India. Even though Turkeys don't come from India.

TOFA 2012 Finals

TOFA 2012 Poster

Congratulations to AtroxChobatsu. This year's new Flash champion. Returning animator from TOFA 2011 Patrick_94 made a strong return and is this year's runner-up. May they be showered with prize money.

If you are not a regular to ABS Forums, please see the full TOFA 2012 story here, and TOFA 2011 while you are at it.