April Showers

Every time Alexandr Tanana is featured, I get to repost Dash It!.

I'm a fan of educational videos.

So you may be wondering what has been happening on ABS without updates for so long. Long story short, everything on the main server crashed - hard drive failure. 99% of things were back later that same day because of backups and our amazing hosting, but it was a full-day process when dealing with over 13 years of files. There are some missing images from over a decade ago that I'll have to search some old CD-ROMs for.

In the meantime, improvements have been made to the mobile version of this site and we are gearing up for TOFA. So if you are an animator that wants some easy prize money, email me.

I'll be taking on a few more Web development clients (as I seem always do this time of year when TOFA is coming up), so if you are unhappy with your current site and want some Valid HTML5, Fancy CSS3 designs, and all the benefits of the modern Web, make your case.

I read it's not good to make promises, so I'll just say that I'll do my best to update again this week.