Halloween 2014
Treat yourself some select creepiest and scariest files on Albino Blacksheep this Halloween. I promise. No tricks. Those are all here on the Pranks page.
This one is maybe too scary. Skip it if you are alone and its dark.
This is creepy if you really think about it.
Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 3 This Is It
Nuclear Bubble Wrap - Night Mare ThePivotsXXD MP3
Lemon Demon - Bad Idea Andrew Kepple MP3
Bloody Sundae Ixintro
SugarQuest WooleyWorld
One Night Epsilon
Some games!
Zombie Escape James Okada, Brandon Lee, and Jordan Hazari
Spike holds the Key to his own Death Donnie DuVall / Strange Flower Blooming
MCR - Sweet Revenge!!! Prod
I change up what's featured for Halloween because there are 100s of appropriate files. If you want more, visit every October in the Archive.