Lawyered 2
Here is the just-released Lazy Writing 13 which is the sequel to Lazy Writing 8.5 which is the preplacement, but not a sequel for Lazy Writing 8. Makes sense to me when it comes to the Lazy Writing series.
Here is the just-released Lazy Writing 13 which is the sequel to Lazy Writing 8.5 which is the preplacement, but not a sequel for Lazy Writing 8. Makes sense to me when it comes to the Lazy Writing series.
R. Wappin will always be the example I use to show how animation is more animated than real life.
The proper thing to do after watching Internet Story is to shut down your computer and walk away. Cancel your Internet the next day.
A new video by the great and powerful R. Wappin. The next update will feature a new comedy by him.
Hope this isn't too out of place.
Don't get too exited. This is just a teaser for the sequel to Spy & Pyro, the 2010 ABS Valentine's Day animation. Come to this site on Valentine's Day 2015 and it should be complete.
Tommy Wimmer emailed in his Animutation right before the new year. I miss when animutations were a regular thing. Thank you for keeping the dream alive, Tommy.
You'll like this if you are a stupid little baby man. Thanks to Jake Jilg for the recommendation.
I will update 4 days in a row.
This is quite an elaborate Beatles parody animated by two ABS veterans.
Only Torontonians can relate, but I'm sure others can appreciate the video just as the world loved the former Toronto mayor.
This is not a cartoon, but is about an aspiring cartoon voice actor. Only when you see it in action, can you really appreciate the happiness that the sound of a cartoon voice brings to people.