Turtle surgery

World premiere. The third installment of Nameless 7. It's a large file. Watch Nameless 7 - Part 1 and Nameless 7 - Part 2.

If you really want to be caught up though, watch the complete Nameless 6 series.

Waiting weekend

We'll start off today with some videos.

Ryoshenron' new series off a little slow, but gets right down to the humour after the setup. Koit, however, keeps it clean for the kids this time. Both contain all original music.

Topical humour that will be irrelevant by the time you see this. But animated Russians are always really well done.

The My Chemical Romance promotional game Sweet Revenge!!! has been getting popular lately. Have you tried Helena though? I'm only at level 2, but I'll keep playing until I get to the coffin drag racing level.

There are plenty more Pixel games here.

Tube Tuesday

Everytime I do one of these, people send in videos they "discovered". Guys, you can show me your own videos without pretending they are something you just found. Original content isn't just for Flash artists.

Happy St. Patrick's Day and Happy staying up all night to get lucky.

Smarch weather 2015

Nuclear Bubble Wrap has a new music video out by ThePivotsXXD.

Koit is still doing his thing.

Kiotask is back starting a video game inspired series.

ZekeySpaceyLizard is doing some commercial work you may be interested to take a look at.