Work weekend

Today you can play an updated/expanded version of D.O.E.S. by Surn, and a new pixel game by Turbo. If you are doing "let's plays" of these, drop me a line.

Three more episodes of Stu-boy and Piv-boy. The final episode is already in the works.

The TOFA 2015 Round 1 entries were released last night, but I won't post it here yet. If you have been following Albino Blacksheep on Facebook like you should, you would see everything in real time. You can even watch the animators animating their work in progress.

Best weekend

Yotam's yearly birthday animation is here:

A new Koit song. You know what to expect.

Interesting fact. Stu-Boy and Piv-Boy is a series born from characters used in TOFA 2013. Jordan was disqualified from reusing his characters from a previous round, but came back for TOFA 2014 to win the grand prize.

University of Washington

The butts are burgers in this psychedelic rotoscoped version of Shake It Off.

Here are this year's University of Washington student games. As you continue to play, data helps fix the bugs in the games, so they need all of you to give these games-in-progress a chance.

Also check out last year's games from June 3, 2014. There are a couple gems.

TOFA 2015 starts... tomorrow?