Frenkel Tobin LLP
- #ffffff
- #666666
- #086F39
- #288852
- #030404
- #f8f8f8
Web Design: 2021-current
- Responsive layout
- Schema markup
- Social buttons
- Map
- Logo animation
- Photo editing
- Social media assets

2022 redesign
In 2022 Frenkel Tobin 2022 wanted a new minimalist look. I added a new theme switcher for switching between a light theme and a dark theme. Every section of the site was rebuilt to be minimal and sleek.
Since the 2021 rebuild, many new sections were added such as a Family Law News page that Frenkel Tobin lawyers can update themselves, and two custom intake forms were added.
Initial 2021 rebuild story below:
Low resolution images replaced by official vectors

Fileize differences
Old vs. New header logo.
102 KB & 37.4 KB vs. 2.89 KB (smaller size is better).
Old is raster, uncoloured, has no transparent background and many times the filesize.
The one run ran 6 filters to make it coloured, but that made it blurry when coloured:
filter: invert(15%) sepia(80%) saturate(1728%) hue-rotate(189deg) brightness(70%) contrast(100%);
Even further micro-optimization - simplifying of the math nodes.

New vs. Old.
Filesize 0.5 Kb vs. 37.5 Kb.
No need to load up an extra 37Kb for a tiny unreadable icon.
New one adapts colour scheme to Dark Mode.
Waterfall (Page load time and timed/delayed connections)
Old vs. new. Lower is faster.
91 requests of bloat vs. 7 requests of necessity.
- styles.css?ver=5.1.1
- settings.css?ver=
- rplg.css?ver=1.5.6
- swiper.min.css?ver=1.5.6
- style.css?ver=1
- js_composer.min.css?ver=5.0.1
- shortcodes.css?ver=4.9.18
- js?id=UA-168904554-1
- responsive.css?ver=4.9.18
- pum-site-styles.css?generated=1603389084&ver=1.7.30
- ubermenu.min.css?ver=3.5
- minimal.css?ver=4.9.18
- all.min.css?ver=4.9.18
- jquery.js?ver=1.12.4
- jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1
- functions.js
- flexslider.min.js
- smoothscroll.js
- comment-reply.min.js?ver=4.9.18
- core.min.js?ver=1.11.4
- position.min.js?ver=1.11.4
- pum-site-scripts.js?defer&generated=1603389084&ver=1.7.30
- ubermenu.min.js?ver=3.5
- wp-embed.min.js?ver=4.9.18
- js_composer_front.min.js?ver=5.0.1
- 16224.css?v=9691
- js
- Frenkel-and-Tobin-logo.png
- wp-emoji-release.min.js?ver=4.9.18
- CBA_ON_HOR_Eng_RGB.png
- NationalLogo.gif
- flao_logo.png
- Logo.png
- ico2-1.png
- child-related-issues-in-toronto.png
- alternative-dispute-resolution-in-toronto.png
- divorce-toronto-icon-001a.png
- spousal-support-lawyer-in-toronto.png
- child-protection-lawyers-in-toronto.png
- adoptions-lawyer-toronto.png
- independent-legal-advice-in-toronto.png
- Lexpert-1-300x57.png
- Law-times-news-300x70.png
- Gloabl-and-mail1-80x80.png
- LAwyers-daily-1-768x61.png
- Canadian-Lawyer-mag-300x79.png google_avatar.png
- how-to-calculate-shared-custody-percentage-and-payments-in-Ontario-600x400.jpg
- how-to-deal-with-spousal-support-tax-consequences-in-Ontario-600x400.jpg
- Map-Murray-Tobin-Adress-768x176.png
- Murray-Tobin-Mobile-Map-768x556.jpg
- webfont.js
- dNovo-group-Digital-Marekting-Agency-Toronto.png
- data:image/gif;base…
- murrayandtobin-1.jpg
- murray_tobin_30OPA.jpg
- mem8YaGs126MiZpBA-UFVZ0b.woff2
- fontawesome-webfont.woff2?v=4.6.3
- JTUSjIg1_i6t8kCHKm459Wlhyw.woff2
- css?family=Montserrat:400,700%7COpen+Sans:300,400,…ic,600italic,700italic,800italic&subset=latin
- mem5YaGs126MiZpBA-UN7rgOUuhp.woff2
- mem6YaGs126MiZpBA-UFUK0Zdc0.woff2
- mem5YaGs126MiZpBA-UN8rsOUuhp.woff2
- mem5YaGs126MiZpBA-UNirkOUuhp.woff2
- mem5YaGs126MiZpBA-UN_r8OUuhp.woff2
- JTURjIg1_i6t8kCHKm45_dJE3gnD_g.woff2
- Toronto-Asset-5.png
- ajax-loader.gif
- data:image/png;base…
- powered_by_google_on_white.png OtherFrenkel-and-Tobin-logo.png
- common.js
- util.js
- AuthenticationService.Authenticate?1shttps%3A%2F%2…
92 requests
2.3 MB transferred
4.1 MB resources
Finish: 15.77 s
DOMContentLoaded: 2.59 s
Load: 2.91 s
- test
- Imagetoronto-1-blur2.jpg
- howler.core.min.js
- data:image/svg+xml;…
- triangles-var0.svg
- favicon.svg
- site.webmanifest
7 requests
209 kB transferred
375 kB resources
Finish: 285 ms
DOMContentLoaded: 189 ms
Load: 233 ms
91 downloads from server vs. 7 downloads from server.
Load 2.82 seconds vs. 0.27 seconds.
2.3 MB transferred vs. 0.2 MB transferred.
4.1 MB of resources vs. 0.37 MB of resources.
Google PageSpeed Insights Score
Test run on main page.
Old: 23 on mobile. 32 on desktop.
New: 100 on mobile. 100 on desktop.
Google Rich Data
Content marked up with micro data in HTML where relevant.