I tried to include Flash from a variety of areas in the Political spectrum. However, one theme seems dominant.
Political Flash Videos
Legos 9-11 Andrew Kepple
Write a full page of non-stop lies sikobabel
9/11 Marketing LazyBoy
E! Hollywood True Story - Osama bin Laden Will Stamper
Fuzzy Math The Bots MP3
U.N. Man Dan Meiling
Useful Voter Guide Love In War
War Manuel Fallmann
The Real Hussein TocciOnline
The Real Hussein 2: Iraq Without Me TocciOnline
Orange Monkey - Osama bin Lazy Phat Berries MP3
Al Qaeda Handbook Mondo Media
The Israel World Mondo Media
The Miniature Earth - Earth and the People Allysson Lucca, et al
Anthrax, The Invisible Victim Mike Overbeck
A Bin Laden Halloween Mike Overbeck
Taliban Twister Mike Overbeck
Diplomacy Mike Overbeck
Bin Laden Has Nowhere To Run - Nowhere To Hide Oska
Bomb Saddam! Oska
On the Run Again Oska
Unrestricted Access Oska
Galactic Debate 2004 Rainbow Animations
The World's Gone Crazy bdub77
Interview Osama bin Laden LiquidGeneration
Gulf War 2 (aka World War 2.5) Idleworm
Saddam from Iraq Liquid Generation
John Kerry in: When I'm President Old Man River Trash
Kerry + Edwards in Love Dan Noe
Mabus slugg
Mahnamahna bushbin@aol.com
Be Prepared... For Ralph Nader UncleTom / AB
Be Prepared... For Mao Zedong migi and sorcerer
Map Game Rethinking Schools
Masking Bush
'Merican superjoe30
Nice Bush
Saddam's An Outkast (Hey Allah) Liquid Generation
Randy Newman - Political Science Alex G.
It's Time to Bomb Saddam
John McCain Says No Reily
You've got to be shifting me Sam and Wendel (mrbiggs)
Taliban Takes on Telemarketers (Taliban Telephone) Sector 8 Animation
Lit Up Mojo
Good to be in DC JibJab
Rumple!: Funny Foreign Names JibJab
Vote Arnie? JibJab
This Land JibJab
What We Call The News JibJab
Nuckin' Futs - Best of 2006 JibJab
Big Box Mart JibJab
Second Term JibJab
Star Spangled Banner JibJab
2-0-5 JibJab
Deck The Halls JibJab
Beautiful World Grilled Cheese (MAXAM)
Bin Day-O
Brilliant Black FreekC
Bush Aerobics MiniClip
George W. Bush's Desktop Ben Dickson
Tony Blair's Desktop Daniel Hough
Make Your Own Bush Speech Stop the War Coalition
Howard Dean Alarm NullZilla
War & Hate Time Fly
I Want It Now Fresh Laundry
Michael Moore Plays the Xylophone polyman586
Standup Saddam MoDMaN
Summer T-Ball at the White House National Lampoon
Supreme Court deliberates on Florida recount National Lampoon
All Your WTC Validate This
- Americana ABS spitikus
- The Truth About Spongebob Squarepants Andrew Kepple
- No a la Guerra! Marcianos
- The Philosophy of Liberty Lux Lucre / Ken Schoolland
- Europe and Italy Bruno Bozzetto
- Mutha Fo' Fathers JibJab