"Weird Al" Yankovic
"Weird Al" Yankovic is an accordian playing parody and satirical song writer and musician straight out of Lynwood, California. The humour in his lyrics has inspired many animators on Albino Blacksheep and elsewhere to create animations to accompany his music.
"Weird Al" also produces and acts in music videos himself, but for those songs of his that have no visual production, animators online feel to need to fill the void.
Video Playlist
"Weird Al" Yankovic Animations
That's Your Horoscope For Today ZekeySpaceyLizard
Lost Rhapsody CapnBob
Albuquerque: THE MOVIE R. Wappin
Everything You Know Is Wrong! R. Wappin
Do I Creep You Out? JibJab
CNR JibJab
Hardware Store (New) Lennox
Hardware Store patrick
The Night Santa Went Crazy Shafer Animations
Harvey the Wonder Hamster UncleTom
Valentine card Shafer
White and Nerdy Weird Al
Trapped In The Drive-Thru Doug Bresler
I'll Sue Ya Thomas Lee
Don't Download This Song Bill Plympton MP3
Lego Hardware Store Matthew Kaney