Privacy Policy

Updated January 28, 2018

Albino Blacksheep does not distribute your information, and your privacy is protected here.

There are some third-party tools are used on this site such as Google Custom Search and Google Ads, and these have their own policies regarding the privacy of your information.


Albino Blacksheep does not require cookies to view the website.

An optional cookie called weblang is stored on the user's computer only when the user changes the language of this site. The cookie is stored to remember what language the user selected so that this language will continue to display for the user. This cookie expires in 10 days from when it is set.

The default language, English, does not require a cookie.

An optional cookie called webstyle is stored on the user's computer only when a user changes the theme of this site. The cookie is stored to remember what theme the user selected so that this theme will continue to display for the user. This cookie expires in 5 days from when it is set.

The default theme does not require a cookie.

Google Cookies

As of April 8, 2009 Google uses the DART cookie to choose relevant ads based on other sites you have visited in the Google content network. You can opt out of the use of the DART cookie. This may cause you to see ads that are unrelated to your interests.

Here are links to the Privacy Policies of Google.


Albino Blacksheep does not sell e-mail addresses to third parties.

The e-mail you use to send an e-mail to contact the Webmaster is protected under this policy.

There is an optional mailing list on the Contact page, but newsletters are not being sent at this time. These emails are also protected under this policy.