August 16, 2002 |
*** d6|GaiaN has joined #lesbians
<d6|GaiaN> lol
August 11, 2002 |
Adventeres in #albinoblacksheep
<Kotik> Have you lost your russian language?
<Spudnewt> My band is called Imation CDR 74m 650 MB....have you seen our CD's ?
<Kotik> I seen it!
<SubjectZer0> No its just that 1, I speak it
<SubjectZer0> Not Type it
<primate> hattey siey razcey
<SubjectZer0> 2, i got horrible ass pronuntiation
<SubjectZer0> 3, its near impossible for me to peice together phoenetics
<primate> cool
*** Guest has joined #albinoblacksheep
<Kotik> that's too bad, for me it comes naturally.
*** Guest has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
July 8, 2002 |
<tag> Ouroboros: lets play Pong
<Ouroboros> Ok.
<tag> | .
<Ouroboros> . |
<tag> | .
<Ouroboros> . |
<tag> | .
<Ouroboros> | .
<Ouroboros> Whoops
May 25, 2002 |
HIMcky1027: your the guy who made that website?
AlbinoBlacksheep: when it was up
AlbinoBlacksheep: should be back in 2 days or so
HIMcky1027: huh? what happen
HIMcky1027: i loved that pingis game
HIMcky1027: you asshole put it back
AlbinoBlacksheep: you are calling me the asshole?
HIMcky1027: PUT IT BACK!
AlbinoBlacksheep: call my old host an asshole then
AlbinoBlacksheep: he's the one that shut down
HIMcky1027: ok
AlbinoBlacksheep: you are blaming the wrong person
HIMcky1027: give me his damn number
HIMcky1027: i want my pingis game
March 20, 2002 |
Kitten: and said i can control how big the killer pickle gets in my dreams. and he laughed and i told him not to mock the killer pickle coz it'll come and pickle him. and said that you mocked the killer pickle and it pickled your site
February 25, 2002 |
If you IM Albino Blacksheep tech support, you take full responsibility for your actions.
WombatWWG: aol 7 is good u shold get it
AlbinoBlacksheep: what??
AlbinoBlacksheep: I am not gonna downgrade
January 21, 2002 |
fetal navel: im supposed to be an architect
fetal navel: i feel sorry for the pople who will liv in my buildings
fetal navel: y don't u have any pics of jackalopes on your site?
AlbinoBlacksheep: I'm so sorry. I must have forgotten. I could have sworn I had some on.
fetal navel: that's ok
fetal navel: r there some?
fetal navel: that would be cool
AlbinoBlacksheep: what the hell is a jackalope?
January 18, 2002 |
JJGeneral: i'm still not on your site
January 7, 2002 |
Xtra23Cromizone: what does she do?
Xtra23Cromizone: does she stripp or sumthing?
NitallicaKills: whats the deal with pink and white?
aaegis218: who is sierra? and what issues will she address?
aaegis218: issues she might adress: world peace, children in afganishatana, your mom
January 6, 2002 |
ReSeT042: i have instructions for you
ReSeT042's mom: ok
ReSeT042: step1 say "flicka flicka hi fiddly fiddly fo"
ReSeT042's mom: flikka flikka hey fiddly fiddly fonkle fo
ReSeT042: step 2 poke yourself i the eye with a shoe
ReSeT042's mom: meh
![[Zeeky Implants]](../image/ab/britneyzeeky.jpg)
ReSeT042's mom: jesus why do you still tak to that loser?
ReSeT042: i used to like the site, before the porn.
AlbinoBlacksheep: flicka flicka hi fiddly fiddly fo
ReSeT042: lol
ReSeT042: that was my mom
AlbinoBlacksheep: ReSeT042's mom is your mom?
ReSeT042: yes
ReSeT042: dont
ReSeT042: ever
ReSeT042: talk
ReSeT042: to
ReSeT042: her
AlbinoBlacksheep: <--- posting her IM name tonight on the site
ReSeT042: fucking kill you
December 27, 2001 |
pnksktrska: hello
AlbinoBlacksheep: hey
pnksktrska: whats up
AlbinoBlacksheep: not much
pnksktrska: same here
pnksktrska signed off at 1:12:19 AM.
December 20, 2001 |
wastelands0ulja: your site sux dick!
CrassDIY: ur website is fuckin gay
atlasthealmighty: Your site rules.
December 13, 2001 |
Eville Incarnate: my fingers smell of vagina and I have a bra in my pocket :P
Eville Incarnate: I rule ^.^
Eville Incarnate: ~licks fingers~
Eville Incarnate: *yum*
Add Eville Incarnate to your buddy list
December 12, 2001 |
Jerr Jerr 411: IM matsuri japan and tell him to unblock me
Jerr Jerr 411: please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AlbinoBlacksheep: hi
AlbinoBlacksheep: ok
Jerr Jerr 411: cool
AlbinoBlacksheep: he says...
AlbinoBlacksheep: that say it to me and I will pass it on to him
Jerr Jerr 411: hey kenny unblock me
AlbinoBlacksheep: lol
Jerr Jerr 411: what
AlbinoBlacksheep: Matsuri Japan: i say
AlbinoBlacksheep: Matsuri Japan: hey fuck you
Jerr Jerr 411: stupid jack ass
Jerr Jerr 411: i hate him
Jerr Jerr 411: fuck him
AlbinoBlacksheep: Un block Jerr Jerr
Matsuri Japan: no
Matsuri Japan: lol
AlbinoBlacksheep: he says it's important
Matsuri Japan: tell him to say it through you
AlbinoBlacksheep: Jerr Jerr 411: hey kenny unblock me
Matsuri Japan: i say
Matsuri Japan: hey fuck you
AlbinoBlacksheep: lol
Add Matsuri Japan
Add Jerr Jerr 411
December 9, 2001 |
Slydonsurf: greetings
Slydonsurf: i am one who frequents your site
Slydonsurf: okay fine your a moist vagina
AlbinoBlacksheep: hi
Previous message was not received by Slydonsurf because of error: User Slydonsurf is not available.
elgatodegreen: i have good friends in Kelowna BC. dont know if thats around where you are
AlbinoBlacksheep: It's far, but I know it
elgatodegreen: is it true you guys up there dont have Fluff marshmellow sandwhich spread up there?
AlbinoBlacksheep: what's a sandwich?
December 2, 2001 |
Jerr Jerr 411: could you help me
AlbinoBlacksheep: yes
Jerr Jerr 411: my mommy is tripping
AlbinoBlacksheep: oh no
Jerr Jerr 411: she is on her crack again
AlbinoBlacksheep: you ahve to get her heartbeat to slow down
AlbinoBlacksheep: she has to relax
Jerr Jerr 411: im only five and she keeps calling me wilma
Jerr Jerr 411: ok
Jerr Jerr 411: how
AlbinoBlacksheep: tell her to sit down
Jerr Jerr 411: ok
Jerr Jerr 411: brb
Jerr Jerr 411: she slapped me
AlbinoBlacksheep: :-(
AlbinoBlacksheep: does she take crack often?
Jerr Jerr 411: shes getting a cup of coffee
Jerr Jerr 411: should i stop her
AlbinoBlacksheep: yes
Jerr Jerr 411: ok
Jerr Jerr 411: she spilt it on me
Jerr Jerr 411: it burns
Jerr Jerr 411: its getting in my keyboard
Jerr Jerr 411 signed off at 12:50:58 AM.
November 20, 2001 |
weezer rocks me: my school is in love w/ your website,
but they realized what it was ....and they like banned you from our computers...
weezer rocks me: well, most of us managed to hack the controls put on it,
and we cna get in.. yes
AlbinoBlacksheep: they banned the IP address?
weezer rocks me: well, at our school... you enter www.albinoblacksheep.com..
and bess don't go there..
weezer rocks me: bess is this cow that restricts us to going to "bad" websites
AlbinoBlacksheep: can you type www.albinoblacksheep.com/index.html
weezer rocks me: i donno, bess is one smart cow, she could probably pick that up...
AlbinoBlacksheep: I don't know why bess would want to bann me. I don't put any naked penises on the main page
weezer rocks me: bess has utters, you would think she would be compassionate toward naked penises and such...
AlbinoBlacksheep: Tell the school my site is educational because I have quotes from textbooks
AlbinoBlacksheep: and a hamlet test
AlbinoBlacksheep: three educational pages that they banned :-(
weezer rocks me: dude, i live in the most... republican community... there are about 10 people who aren't white...the rest are...... very republican... needless to say my community is a melting pot.. and ... most republicans won't protest obscene material..
AlbinoBlacksheep: US Military 280 visitors
AlbinoBlacksheep: US Government 98 visitors
November 14, 2001 |
LiLaZnKrIs337: dont talk to me
LiLaZnKrIs337: cause ummm i cant talk to ppl i dont know
LiLaZnKrIs337: my momy said so
LiLaZnKrIs337: dont save me on your buddy list
AlbinoBlacksheep: you IMed me lol
LiLaZnKrIs337: act like we never talk
LiLaZnKrIs337: i know cause i click on ur thingy on ur website
October 20, 2001 |
bunnyavenger14: and i have a real prob with the porn
AlbinoBlacksheep: you do?
AlbinoBlacksheep: it's not really X rated
bunnyavenger14: my mom and friends visit often
bunnyavenger14: im 14
AlbinoBlacksheep: I'm sorry
bunnyavenger14: it was really funny though
bunnyavenger14: lol
AlbinoBlacksheep: lol
October 16, 2001 |
AlbinoBlacksheep: my friends won't visit my site
Ferretallica: why not?
AlbinoBlacksheep: one friend said my site isn't about anything
AlbinoBlacksheep: and the rest can't be bothered to visit
AlbinoBlacksheep: I have lazy friends
AlbinoBlacksheep: maybe when I add the porno, they'll visit
Ferretallica: then what are you waiting for?
September 30, 2001 |
<Asia> wb stormy i thought you disapeared
<just another jerk> damnit
<DePeche MoDe> if i was black, i'd have a big penis
<Storm> i have kinda
<DePeche MoDe> therefore, it is untrue
<Storm> but you arent b lack
<Asia> lol what penis dm?
<DePeche MoDe> d'oh!
<DePeche MoDe> ;(
<Storm> and thats a myth about black penises, they arent bigger, just
longer cause they dont have underwear to support them, they just
hang out
<Storm> like tribal womens boobs
<DePeche MoDe> hahaahaha'
<just another jerk> *is gonna wish a gun in christmas present*
<Joe> sup
<Asia> JOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! !!!! !!!!! !!!! !! !
<Asia> *pounces on joe and lix and gropes him*
September 15, 2001 |
If you were following the Kristin the Bipolar Lesbian drama, here's something of interest:
AlbinoBlacksheep: my mother accidently ran over my foot with her car if it makes you feel better
Kristin the Bipolar Lesbian: [Edited out because of request 09/19/2001]
AlbinoBlacksheep: so now we both feel bad?
Kristin the Bipolar Lesbian: [Edited out because of request 09/19/2001]
Kristin the Bipolar Lesbian: [Edited out because of request 09/19/2001]
AlbinoBlacksheep: how did you get out of the institution?
AlbinoBlacksheep: it was just a temporary visit?
Kristin the Bipolar Lesbian: [Edited out because of request 09/19/2001]
September 4, 2001 |
Ferretallica: Oh one last thing
Please explain the fairy-cow saying 'Take the bus to Cuba' thingy...
AlbinoBlacksheep: that's a wasp
AlbinoBlacksheep: not a cow
AlbinoBlacksheep: it has wings.. see!
Ferretallica: Oh
Ferretallica: It looked like a cow with wings to me
AlbinoBlacksheep: that's because you need glasses
Ferretallica: Yeah, my eyes are all fcuked up at the moment, dont mind me
August 28, 2001 |
Oh no! I have been prank IMed... Sorta.
kidblountnagf: hello
AlbinoBlacksheep: hey
kidblountnagf: you said some mean things about me
AlbinoBlacksheep: who is this?
kidblountnagf: micheal
AlbinoBlacksheep: What did I say? I will remove it
kidblountnagf: "hello my future gilfriend"
AlbinoBlacksheep: that's the name of your website
kidblountnagf: you know who is really cool
AlbinoBlacksheep: who?
kidblountnagf: bunnyavenger, smart and sexy, what a man
kidblountnagf: he is the graetest
AlbinoBlacksheep: yes very much
kidblountnagf: he rocks
AlbinoBlacksheep: lol@you pretending to be michael
kidblountnagf: ( )*( )
)-(ello my future girlfriend
)-(ello my future girlfriend Turn up the volume
August 26, 2001 |
IHateYouAll1313: kl;'
IHateYouAll1313: z
AlbinoBlacksheep: wow
IHateYouAll1313: 7890-= 1234
IHateYouAll1313: XCVBNM<>
AlbinoBlacksheep: Å|bîñø ß|ã¢k§hêëþ
IHateYouAll1313: QWERTY
IHateYouAll1313: ASDFG
IHateYouAll1313: ZXCVBNM< >?
IHateYouAll1313: _+-=
AlbinoBlacksheep: Å|bîñø ß|ã¢k§hêëþ
IHateYouAll1313: `~"{}
August 24, 2001 |
bunnyavenger14: ok
bunnyavenger14: the quote is
bunnyavenger14: yeah my mom said my appendix exploded but i was in a mental institution
bunnyavenger14: k?
AlbinoBlacksheep: that's the quote?
bunnyavenger14: yes
AlbinoBlacksheep: it's very weird
bunnyavenger14: i know
bunnyavenger14: its from kristin the bipolar lesbian
AlbinoBlacksheep: who's that?
bunnyavenger14: my friend who was in an institution
AlbinoBlacksheep: for real?
bunnyavenger14: yes
August 9, 2001 |
<Diego> Oh, every six months or so I scan like a motherf*cker..other than that the system scanns my downloads and I'm not stupid..
<Diego> virii are spread by the stupid..
<Albino> 5 got sent to me, but I don't open attackments if I don't recognise the extention
<Albino> 5 of the cod red
<Albino> code red
<CaineThirdMortal> hmm, I wanted that one
<CaineThirdMortal> I like to collect virii
<Albino> want me to forward it to you?
*** GOg has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<Diego> lol
<CaineThirdMortal> sure
<Albino> I kight still have it in my delete box
<CaineThirdMortal> [E-mail address]
<CaineThirdMortal> :)
*** GOg has joined #naphoria
*** ChanServ sets mode: +v GOg
<Albino> why do you collect virii?
<Diego> ..and maybe a wee little exe you like to share with..special friends?
<Albino> that's like collecting boogers
August 2, 2001 |
I'm think I'm gonna stop asking for suggestions for this site.
bunnyavenger14: and everyone loves llamas
bunnyavenger14: do something with llama
AlbinoBlacksheep: Winamp does stuff with llamas.
bunnyavenger14: more llamas
bunnyavenger14: everywhere
bunnyavenger14: dancing
bunnyavenger14: llama dance
AlbinoBlacksheep: crazy
AlbinoBlacksheep: hmm
bunnyavenger14: llamas having sex
bunnyavenger14: doing drugs
bunnyavenger14: shooting llamas
bunnyavenger14: llamas masturbating
AlbinoBlacksheep: interesting
July 29, 2001 |
coolz53: hi]
AlbinoBlacksheep: hey V
coolz53: i'm drunk right how
coolz53: now i menat
coolz53: meant
AlbinoBlacksheep: I wish you were in Toronto last night with us.
coolz53: how vome
AlbinoBlacksheep: We drank.
coolz53: come i meangt
coolz53: cool
AlbinoBlacksheep: Did you go to a bar today?
coolz53: im going to one later on in the night
AlbinoBlacksheep: Which one?
coolz53: DANTES
coolz53: sorry i had caps on
July 28, 2001 |
So here's bunnyavenger14's Jessica TheDoll Story:
AlbinoBlacksheep: you gonna write a Jessica story?
bunnyavenger14: ok
bunnyavenger14: ok
bunnyavenger14: i got it
bunnyavenger14: you wannaknow how i get good grades?
AlbinoBlacksheep: How?
bunnyavenger14: i pray to god for a dream with an octopus
bunnyavenger14: and the next day
bunnyavenger14: durng the test
bunnyavenger14: i see an octopus
bunnyavenger14: and he sez
bunnyavenger14: if you dont get the questions right
bunnyavenger14: sum1 will cut off my legs
bunnyavenger14: and sometims i argue with him
bunnyavenger14: no its abraham lincoln
bunnyavenger14: but i tell him i wont let anyone cut off his legs
bunnyavenger14: and that is how i get good grades
July 10, 2001 |
My computer blew up. Buy me a new one.