Greatstuff 3 by Edge

NewbieHax: Did you here about the remote controled rat(Live rat)?
Edge Cha0s: what?
NewbieHax: Aremote controled rat that has electrodes in its brain that stimulates The pleasure center of the brain when it does right
NewbieHax: Like a stirup on a horse
Edge Cha0s: ok what about it
NewbieHax: it gets the rat high
Edge Cha0s: haha cllo
NewbieHax: it will work on humans
NewbieHax: someday
NewbieHax: they allready have one button orgasm
Edge Cha0s: are you implying that you can controll humans with orgasems
NewbieHax: no , you can artificsually stimulat on with electrodes
NewbieHax: in the spinal column
NewbieHax: Next leval slavery
Edge Cha0s: yea i know
Edge Cha0s: thats what i said
Edge Cha0s: Edge Cha0s: are you implying that you can controll humans with orgasems
NewbieHax: no you control them with electrodes in brain,.....You make orgasm with electrodes in Spine
NewbieHax: Differant nerve endings lead to differant areas of brain
Edge Cha0s: oh ok so like orgasem in spine
NewbieHax: yes
NewbieHax: it wouldent matter as long as it stimulates the right nerve
Edge Cha0s: i want an orgasem in my spine
Edge Cha0s: that would be nice
NewbieHax: only for women sofar, but will work on men too
NewbieHax: goy to go
Edge Cha0s: bahhhh humbug ill do it the old fasion way WITH MY HAND
NewbieHax: got
NewbieHax: ha ha
Edge Cha0s: ok bye
NewbieHax signed off at 8:35:20 PM.