I did what when I was 7? by ABS Members

This is part 1 of the "I did what at age 7?" Chit-Chat discussion on ABS Forums starting from April 30, 2005 by lanzemurdok.

May 11, 2005


  Apr 30 2005, 01:07 AM   lanzemurdok

I was talking to a friend of mine about the things we used to do when we were little. One of the things I used to do was to buy gum, and chew it with the wrapping. I wouldn't unwrap it, i would just start chewing it right away. Also, for some reason I used to stare at walls that had a "rough" bumpy texture, and I always wondered what it would taste like. One time i did lick a wall.. and surprisingly I liked the texture of it in my tongue, so for a period of a month or so i would lick walls. Which makes me wonder about my mental stability around that time.

What kind of weird things did YOU do when you were a little kid. I'm pretty sure everybody did something weird and strange.



-I would hold my breath until I passed out.

-I would call people 'Kikes', at like 4 or 5 years old.



The worst i've done is probably licking a streetlight when it was around 30-C outside.. lost a piece of my tounge there..



I set fire to the couch when i was about eight. Later that year i split my sisters head open when i pushed her down the stairs. I wasn't given any sugar again till i was like twelve.



QUOTE(Viking @ Apr 30 2005, 09:37 AM)
The worst i've done is probably licking a streetlight when it was around 30-C outside.. lost a piece of my tounge there..


I used to nibble on frenchsticks in supermarkets. The ones which still had to be sold.


 Clos ninos de la polill

i was told that i was sleep walking and pissed on an answering macheine. but i was like 13 at the time.



We used to travel to sydney alot and it was like a 6 hour trip so whenever we stopped at a Maccas we'd eat then i'd gather 5 straws and make them into one long one... then at the next one id gatehr more and add them to the first one. People would look at me funny

This stemmed from when I went to Maccas with friends and drank from a cup with one of thoses straws and put salt in my hair

Ah yes the other thing was we would go to the bbq at school every fryday at lunch, steal some sugar from the ref, buy a can of drink and put the sugar in it. Instant Fun. You should try it


 Ace Polygonopolis

I used to chew on lego. It felt good in my mouth.



I poured syrup all over my cat, I later killed that same cat by jumping on it.

Post 333: lukkey riet?



I used to eat butter. As in, open the fridge, take out a stick of butter, unwrap it, take off a bite, and wrap it back up and put it back in.

There's this one thing I do with poptarts that I've done ever since I was a kid. I hate the filling of poptarts but I like the outside, the bread part. So I'll buy a new box and eat the outside of every poptart, then I would leave the poptart middles in a big stack in the middle of the table. It drives my mom crazy.

I used to eat mayonnaise sandwitches, too. Like, two pieces of bread and mayonnaise.

Come to think of it, I had a lot of weird eating habits.



Batteries in the mouth anyone?






When I was really little I drew stick figures killing each other or getting lost in like machinery of some sort. Many years later someone showed me stickdeath and I felt really ripped off.

I used to tear pages out of the bible when I was in church too.



When I was around four, I learned how to stand on my head. All of our holiday pictures show me standing on my head. One of my earliest memories are of green paisley patterns. I couldn't figure why these green paislies seemed so familiar untill I saw an old picture of our previous home. And then I realized the carpet was green paisley and I must have crawled all over that floor.



QUOTE(CopyMachineGuy @ Apr 30 2005, 12:00 PM)
I used to tear pages out of the bible when I was in church too.

Who doesen't?



to be fair - it was a jehovah's witness bible - so it wasn't the real thing, for the most part.



When I was still sucking a dummy (pacifier for all you yanks) i used to always have 2. One to suck on, and one to rub on the carpet and then rub under my nose. I just liked the feeling, thats all. And whenever I blew my nose I would have to life my arm up and bring it down to get enough force to power the snot out. And the only thing I EVER ate was cheese and pickle sandwiches.


 Agent Glitch

Batteries in mouth?? Are you crazy, I still do that!



I call pacifiers binkies.




QUOTE(Muse @ Apr 30 2005, 09:22 AM)
I used to eat butter. As in, open the fridge, take out a stick of butter, unwrap it, take off a bite, and wrap it back up and put it back in.

There's this one thing I do with poptarts that I've done ever since I was a kid. I hate the filling of poptarts but I like the outside, the bread part. So I'll buy a new box and eat the outside of every poptart, then I would leave the poptart middles in a big stack in the middle of the table. It drives my mom crazy.

Come to think of it, I had a lot of weird eating habits.

who didn't eat butter?
you waste the best part of the poptart!!! i don't understand that, but w/e.

i eat doritos with cottage cheese. i don't know how normal/un-normal this is, just me n my dad do it. and i puke if i have a hotdog and two 3x3" pieces of cake. failproof. happens every frigin time.

i used to be dumber . . . not more daring, just dumber . . . i would take any dare, and these often included riding my bike into something strange or possibly painful. i could have been the star of Jackass Jr. i used to hit this big willow in my backyard and my neighbor's garage (she was my age and the one doing the daring) a lot.

i used to sleepwalk and i was once found on a trampoline. and when i was really litlle we lived in the desert, i used to lay under the swamp cooler with the dogs all day long.



At one point when i was little i thought i could fly so i climbed on to the roof (i have no clue how) and i jumped off thinking i could just fly down. This was when i was 5 maybe and i broke my wrist.



I played Warcraft 1 and didn't talk to people. Much like today, except it's World of Warcraft... I'm so cool...


 billy the monkey hugger

I used to be a little hippy kid when I was seven. Had hair down to my butt. I look dumb in all the pictures of me then. All I used to do when I was little was read. I knew everything about pretty much everything. The coolest thing that I ever did was crack my head open falling on a rock. It sucked.



you sound kinda like me. only i fell off a stool. that's weird.

i still am that hippy kid



When I was little I pulled two TV's down onto myself. First time the TV was on a shelf and I decided to climb the shelf, the TV came down and slid down my back, I got a big bruise on my back.

The second one I was about three, and I put my "magic blankie" on the TV, and then whipped it off, and pulled the TV down onto myself. I got a black eye.

I also broke my collarbone by jumping in my crib, and my mother didn't know for about three days.



I cut my eyebrows off with scissors. That's all I can remember right now.



When I was about 6, I would get a pack of sweets with the wrapper on, and eat it. [Insert Lie Here]I once swallowed a wad of bubblegum, a bubble came out my gluteus maximus, and I started floating![/lie]



Run around biting people's bums.




I used to like to rub the corners on pillows. I'm still not entirely sure why. I also liked to look at my dad's Playboys while he smoked from his bong.




I wore a dress, my dad got mad at me.