Dick Figures
Dick Figures was released by our partners Mondo Media in 2010 and has grown in popularity with each episode. The concept is simple, two characters, one red, one blue, and all the Internet memes as their world.
Video Playlist

Dick Figures Episodes
Dick Figures 1: A Bee or Something Ed Skudder
Dick Figures 2: Panda Hat Ed Skudder
Dick Figures 3: Flame War Ed Skudder
Dick Figures 4: Traffic Jams Ed Skudder
Dick Figures 5: Steakosaurus Ed Skudder
Dick Figures 6: OMG Ed Skudder
Dick Figures 7: Trouble Date Ed Skudder
Dick Figures 8: Kitty Amazing Ed Skudder
Dick Figures 9: Role Playas Ed Skudder
Dick Figures 10: Attack of the Pwns Ed Skudder