Sound Required
- Elastic Baby
- Elvis Lives in Flash AB (sners)
- Sore Loser Hitmadness
- Mythology Stoned Gorilla
This is only half the update, if not less, so check back very soon. I didn't want to make you wait too long with nothing. In the meantime, the Forum is back. I'll be back with more files and a story behind each of these submissions.
* Forged has joined #albinoblacksheep
<Forged> suicide didnt work
<Forged> :(
Just keep one of your eyes tightly shut and casually walk across the room.
Smile as you reach her.
Gently take her hand.
Place object in palm and close it without letting her see what it was.
Casually walk away and grin while you imagine her expression as she opens her hand to discover a glass eye.