I'm not a Lord of the Rings fan, sorry, but if you are though, this will be like Tylanol 3 to you (or whatever you guys are into these days).
Karma Posted: Dec 1 2003, 06:41 AM
Dec 1st, Part 4: ';;;;;;;;//oi88888888
Sorry, my cat walked across my keyboard! Apparently he wanted to say something, and apparently it has something to do with 8s
I promised I'd explin a bit of last update. Well, my Elvis Lives in Flash was apparently featured on CBS around Nov 17 or 18, but I did not see so myself. Why did they show this garbage? The dance moves at the start are programmed in a free Korean program called idance. I will post a link up in the future.
Sore Loser was submitted by CaptainFailure (from the IRC chat). He filmed his friend losing in Counter Strike. The title was originally, "Bad Loser" in French (CaptainFailure comes from France), but I figured it actually meant Sore Loser, but somehow not found in the French vocabulary. As for Mythology, well, that's one of the best school projects I've seen in a while. Hope you guys got an A.