First (and now second) Half of an Update [17-18/24]
I like starting with a couple reruns before getting to the new stuff. Server 1 (which is not the first one) will be upgrading today, so some flash might load slower than usual, but that should be back to normal tomorrow. Also, don't forget to bookmark this site for the second half later this week.
- Internet for the Blind
- The Book Of Many Little Things S. Swatman, et al
- Deadman Waiting to Happen nProcess
- The Future of Starbucks UncleTom
- Full Pumpkin Gear Iputer and Intarweb
- Honest Resume AB
- Citroen C4: Alive with Technology Citroen UK
Here are two movies and one game that will keep you busy for longer than you are expecting. The first one is the best book report you will ever see in your life.
- How to Kill a Mockingbird Anthony Scodary and Nico Benitez
- Yiddish with Dick and Jane Liz Dubelman
- Walking in Circles sofake (start by clicking on "walkies?" twice)
UPDATE within an update:
If it takes only 10 seconds to make, that's the most amount of entertainment value it can have, but I'm feeling nice to these ABS Members to give them a chance. They are small enough files to take a risk on. I'd say the first file is a loop and the second is a short music video.
- Kerry Dance flapjack (102kb)
- Falling cammackistan (205KB)
One more rerun in this update can't hurt, especially since it's a classic:
- Stole My HTML Jim Ether
For those who are so unlucky that the free iPod offer that I keep linking to is not available in their area, like myself, there is a free alternative:
- Original Paper iPods [offline] Kieran Baxter
So that's two print projects in this ABS update. Let me know if you want more like this.
- Group X - Peanuts Niko Matses
[14:33] <Jim> The general rule on about people on IRC seems to be "Attractive, single, mentally stable: choose two"
<Jesus2> foxes and badgers at the same time is awesome
<Jesus2> it's like a remix
<Jesus2> *scream* it's a snake *scream*