First (and now second) Half of an Update [17-18/24]

[Secret Alt tag messages will go here.  Mmmahahahaha.] I like starting with a couple reruns before getting to the new stuff. Server 1 (which is not the first one) will be upgrading today, so some flash might load slower than usual, but that should be back to normal tomorrow. Also, don't forget to bookmark this site for the second half later this week.

Here are two movies and one game that will keep you busy for longer than you are expecting. The first one is the best book report you will ever see in your life.

UPDATE within an update:

If it takes only 10 seconds to make, that's the most amount of entertainment value it can have, but I'm feeling nice to these ABS Members to give them a chance. They are small enough files to take a risk on. I'd say the first file is a loop and the second is a short music video.

One more rerun in this update can't hurt, especially since it's a classic:

For those who are so unlucky that the free iPod offer that I keep linking to is not available in their area, like myself, there is a free alternative:

  • Original Paper iPods [offline] Kieran Baxter

So that's two print projects in this ABS update. Let me know if you want more like this.

[14:33] <Jim> The general rule on about people on IRC seems to be "Attractive, single, mentally stable: choose two"

<Jesus2> foxes and badgers at the same time is awesome
<Jesus2> it's like a remix
<Jesus2> *scream* it's a snake *scream*


Fredryk said he made this quickly while he was drunk. One question. Will it be the next Badgers?

Ever since I posted TISM's Everyone Else Has Had More Sex Than Me video, I haven't been able to get the music out of my head. The load on the file is pretty high now. Best to try again in a few hours.

Can't think of title.

"And a big hello to all our Foreign Viewers, many of whom have no idea what is going on, but are never the less fascinated by the bright colors and flashing lights."
/Baseketball off

The Nintendogs video is from a new portable game system called Nintendo DS. It's a mixture of Palm Stylus with Game Boy, and the technology is amazing.

UPDATE within an update: I had a lot of requests to put a flash version of the TISM music video, so there we go.

Here are some professional quality music videos below:

I have a new offer that you might want to look at or even sign up for. I think it's US only. :(

Little game I forgot to post during the Hallowe'en Week:

I thought I would save some bits of what people were saying during and after the US election. I expected some gems. Here are a few from LGF:

#70 monkeyweather 11/1/2004 02:23PM PST
We will all print up big arrow signs saying "CANADA THAT WAY--->" and run them all the way up to the north pole. The Yugo driving idiots don't have maps since they know EVERYthing, and they don't have GPS since that comes from Big Brother! You then stick a sign in the snow that says "Welcome to Toronto" somewhere in the arctic circle. Sound good?

#140 Mr Pol 11/1/2004 04:11PM PST
If you believe France, Belgium or Germany supported the US, I might have something for you: France is going to sell the Eiffel tower for scrap metal, very cheap. Are you interested?

#157 Bernadette 11/3/2004 04:04PM PST
When they said exit polls, the idots thought they said exit "poles" and started counting the light standards on the expressway. Then they used some sort of really strange mathematical formula to turn the pole numbers into poll numbers and the next thing they knew they were in Warsaw.

#13 Sleepy Jesus 11/6/2004 06:01PM PST
It's hard to be religious when certain people are never incinerated by bolts of lightning.

This better end tomorrow.

Our member Old Man River Trash depicts what it will be like or would have been like (depending when you watch this) if John Kerry holds office in the White House:

Can't forget to repost the Nader flash one last time. Thank you UncleTom.

Here are some 80x15 size web badges you can right click on and save to add to your signatures or websites to show your support. I should add one for Nader. Oh, and take them down after November 2nd. There will be people with rotting pumpkins on their front porch, and this is just as lazy.

  • [Bush 2004]
  • [Kerry 2004]