I think Lyra might be a fan of Rathergood's flash. I also think passing the Musical Lantern game should be required in order to view later updates. Just to make sure you are paying attention. There needs to be an active audience. Also, why would Penguins want to attack? Probably has something to do with this.
Passing the Frog game will also serve as a mandatory intelligence quota.
Think of this as a small update. I am taking a chance with a new series by Professor Fate (Peter) called Gloomboy. When he showed it all of us on the forums, Members said they liked it, but they didn't know why. Let me know what you think more specifically though.
And so continues the trend of Group X music videos all made by different animators, but using the exact same animation style. There's one page on this site with all the Group X videos, but instead of linking to it here I'll send you on a scavenger hunt with a rotating cookie as a prize.
This week is Chunukah AKA The Festival of Lights. This first Chunukah animation is incomplete, and the author doesn't have time to finish it, but the music track is in tact.
I was going through the old Flash Submissions and noticed Mr. and Mrs. Wheatley (user name wheatox) submitted something for here that I never got around to posting, but wanted to. Now that this is out of the way, I can procrastinate on other things.
I hope "He Plays Wok N Woll" is an appropriate title for that promotional video. He keeps saying that's what he plays, and that was the file name when I saw it.
The following products are the most popular products for this holiday season. I really cannot confirm this. I never heard of any of these, so ask your kids. (I think I seen this TV in stores, but never the Robot.) None of these are even available in my area when I checked the sites.
The response from last update's print projects were positive, so I have another one lined for the very near future. You'll like it if you need more stuff around the house to impress the neighbours. I have been updating other parts of the site rather than this page. Creating new subdirectories, writing more reviews, a new guestmap, better compatibility with Linux and Mac browsers and some secret stuff that may or may not be part of ABS depending on user reactions.