Spot the Designer


Lut! took one month to put together this adventure. He came to ABS Forums where it was loved by all, so now here it is.

Come back tomorrow for another or head to the Games Index today.

Koalas are not bears

Guess I should have posted this sooner.


For today's update I wanted to take a break from the funny and show the drawing talent of ABS Members starting with duhhh33. (Flash Player 8 to view properly.)

Come back tomorrow for another update. If there isn't an update tomorrow that means I died.

Sitcom #388

I changed my mind. I will temporarily update every day with at least one file, each a different style.

Come back tomorrow for another file by another Albino Blacksheep author, or if you'd like to see more of ryoshenron's work, check out Defender of the Supermart.

Tons of Homegrown Content

This being April 20, I have to specify it's not that type of "homegrown" content, although the connotation is questionable for this first video. It's nice to see the same animators regularly contributing to Albino Blacksheep.

Sorry to those who have emailed me in the past week and didn't get a reply yet. Things have been very busy.


The Walrus was Paul

This first file was originally made quite a long time ago, so the quality is not all there, but I still think it can become a classic. It reminds me of the bullyism in Keaton's The Evil Strawberry.

If anyone caught Family Guy on FOX last Sunday you would have seen the character of Peter Griffin performing a parody of the famous I Work At Burger King flash file from Sherm back in the Summer of 2002 when this file was considered a hit. The song was remixed countless times by Albino Blacksheep members, and it seems Family Guy caught onto this online trend.

A little of everything

You should not proceed until you make sure you have Flash Player 8. Check what version you have. Both these files are in beta:

Carmac's Condition is a Flash music video by ABS Member skooder based on both the movie and the video game Doom. I have never played Doom, but can still appreciate his song and video.

I think this must be the 5th or 6th Llama Song parody written for Albino Blacksheep:

These tutorials should help you improve your flash skills:

Don't just bounce your characters around the screen. Give some life into them and make them move.

If you would like to make soundboards for Albino Blacksheep too like these guys did, just follow SimpRgr8's How to Make a Soundboard Flash Tutorial.

I'm still looking for translators. So, if you speak another language and can put in about 2 days work, contact me.


1:02 a.m. and 3 seconds on Wednesday, April 5, 2006

8-Bit Update

Everything in today's update is 8-bit pixelated. Some re-runs, but most are brand new. Hopefully the Zelda Soundboard won't get stolen like the Mario one did. If you don't know what any of this "8-bit" talk is about, you may be much older or younger than I.

I wouldn't mind to see more music videos in this style. Horse The Band adopted this ABS creation as their official music video for the song "Bunnies".

ABS Member alextraynor apprently submitted his new series to ABS twice and I missed it the first time:

A new animator to ABS, bigsteveo:

If you are not so great at flash, but would like to feature your work on ABS, I'd say now is your best chance because I seem to just be updating the site with new content for the sake of updating.

Albino Blacksheep Mario button

The classics... I beat A Boy and his Blob by the way. There's a shortcut in the game.

Friendly reminder. Please update your Flash Player. Check what version you have. The newest version is 8.

If you want to create flash animation like the ones you saw in today's update, please check out this tutorial by ABS Member spork_man22. If you need any assistance, read the Flash Developers section on ABS Forums.


Welcome to Albino Blacksheep. The site that showcases media from the most talented and hardest working digital artists straight from the Albino Blacksheep Community. w0ntoan is known as one of the best animators in the flash industry. Here's his latest.