Post-modern flash
Mikey_Raynor joined Albino Blacksheep only yesterday to show off his movie about his College life. It's eerily truthful.
Don't forget to leave comments for the artists on the ABS Community Forums (top right).
Mikey_Raynor joined Albino Blacksheep only yesterday to show off his movie about his College life. It's eerily truthful.
Don't forget to leave comments for the artists on the ABS Community Forums (top right).
Long time ABS member, UncleTom, of Waiting in Line for Starwars fame, and also the concept artist of that Ralph Nader animutation I worked on is back with a little flash infomercial.
Another exclusive little puzzle game for Albino Blacksheep. Thank you so much, Jakle, for working through this and being patient.
This game gets harder and then easier. Keep track of how many times you play it before you win. Comments go on the Community Forum.
David Seezen of Bees fame has published another flash music video with Albino Blacksheep.
Andrew's Up Skit Creek Volume 2: For Skits and Giggles contains great flash skits with terrible, terrible puns. Very terrible puns. Enjoy parts 1 and 2... of volume 2.
Comments are on the Forum.
guitar__guy has joined Albino Blacksheep to show off his animutations. He's only 13, but consider that animutation was invented by a 13 year-old. (What are you doing with your life?)
I have designed this site to work on the Sony PSP.
This confirms what I suspected all along. Members are probably sending in their school projects as site content. Samr was nice enough to also send in his Song and Lyrics incase you find it catchy. Flash Player 8 required.
Come back tomorrow.
Well, last month you may have caught the Legos 9-11 skits by Andrew Kepple. They are pieces of a larger project of flash skits that you can view below.
Silentwulf4, creator of the Funny Faces series, has produced the second Albino Blacksheep video:
As promised, Tumbler would be back online with bug fixes, and now even a high score list. Thanks to Waldo and the ABS Forums Flash Developers helpers for making this possible.
I'd just like to publicly announce my appreciation for the very talented and devoted ABS Member, ZekeySpaceyLizad, who has been very active with Flash MX this 2006, and just sent his latest, Experiment 11.
And of course, scroll down a bit to check out another masterpiece of his, Weird Al - That's Your Horoscope For Today.
Come back tomorrow for an exclusive flash game.
It's simple, but cafeful. RedMongoose made every animation square represent an instrument in syncronocity.
Come back tomorrow for another Flash file.
Silveuk has created these two games for ABS. If they aren't your cup of tea, that's okay. I'll add something else tomorrow.
There's truth in every Hallmark card. I am posting this on the weekend on purpose. Come back tomorrow for something different. Make a note on your keyboard if you have to.