Nameless 6 Volume 3 Part 2
As promised, the last part of Volume 3, but watch the parts in order.
Finally, a series page for Nameless 6.
As promised, the last part of Volume 3, but watch the parts in order.
Finally, a series page for Nameless 6.
Cripple Boy and Chocolate Lady are in an abusive relationship, and Chocolate Man has ran away meeting up with Miller (the killer) and a new pet. If you've seen the other Nameless 6 volumes, you've been waiting almost a year and a half for this volume. If you have not, please see the episodes in order.
Volume 3 Part 2 will premiere tomorrow. So bookmark, bookmark, bookmark, or just set as your homepage.
Check out the new episode, Dyspepsia Dramatica. Jazmik is aiming for being a featured series on Albino Blacksheep. You're half way there.
A new game by my favourite English Country musicians, Old Man Pie. If you don't know who Mr. Mucky is, then check out the music video about him first.
Two newbie animations. Come to ABS Forums and criticize them harshly. They can take it.
Made by children for children. Here's what's new from ABS Forums.
Here's the same file as above using the YouTube player. If you liked the style, you may want to be familiar with BillGates999's Skin Walker video from early this spring.
'Twas much easier to follow than screengems' other story.
More Flash Tutorials here.
In 2005, AltF4 (who is currently in Exile on ABS Forums) completed the animation to Lemon Demon's The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny song. Then came the parody...
I'll try to have the MP3 and uncensored version up somewhere if there is enough demand.
Andrew Kepple's latest game - Lamarr is Going Home. The bastard child of Bobby Is Going Home for the Atari-2600 and Half Life 2.
This is quite a big Tube Tuesday considering the last two thumbnailed videos try to reach one hour each, but well worth it.
This last video is a followup to Web 2.0 - The Machine is Us/ing Us from quite some time ago.
Today I'd like to feature the song Alice. It was made by Pogo by remixing sounds from the motion picture Alice in Wonderland. Add the free MP3 to your collection.
Come back tomorrow for Tube Tuesday.
Oh, how you must have been waiting.
Head over to the Flash page, to be sure you have at least Flash Player 10 to enjoy the following animation.
As promised, the followup to the first Dr. Tran episode.
Last summer LazyBoy submitted "How I've Aquired My Screen Name" as his Open Round entry for the ABS TOFA contest, representing himself throughout his childhood. The trend continues...
Everyday or so starting tomorrow, this site will feature a new episode of a new 2009 series, Dr. Tran, brought to you by and sponsored by our partners at Mondo. Enjoy the show.
Ryoshenron made a Flash game dedicated to his girlfriend, but he never even bragged about having a girlfriend like everyone else on the forums. Very strange. Oh, and it's a Pixel Game for those '80s fans.
Nominations are starting for TOFA 2009 (The Albino Blacksheep Tournament of Flash Artists). The winner from last year, TooMuchSpareTime, is a judge this year, so somebody else will have an actual chance to win. It's a fun community experience. Not your average tournament, and as an animator you can learn a lot to help you in the real world of Flash animation. Get nominated [offline].