TOFA sneak peak

The open round's theme was "discovering a new ability", so NightShadow showed what you can do with a coconut.

Unfortunately, the entry was disqualified by the judges because NightShadow02 didn't get the permission to use copyright music until after the deadline of the round, so he created this alternative "new ability" as a backup.

For any Nine Inch Nails fans, here's Commanderloochy's first submission to ABS.

Games in a while

In this game you have to pee on the buildings. At least that's how I motivated myself to get a high score in Cataclysm Studios's newest game.

Also today, Block Dodger with high scores. Very similar in many ways to Squares2.

Freakout Friday

I heard with a phone call, but you may have heard over Twitter that Michael Jackson passed away yesterday. I'll be listening to his music all weekend that everyone made fun of me for buying.

I'm not going to try to hide it. ABS hosted at least two other Flash animations making fun of Michael. One about the baby drop, and one making fun of the obvious simply titled Michael.

The last minute Open Round TOFA 2009 entries are all coming in today, so expect a busy, busy week, and maybe a couple new games this weekend. Maybe.

Mackerel Music Monday

Old Man Pie is getting some recognition - a little TV review on CNN. No mention of the social and environmental conscious messages in their music yet, but things will only get better for Old Man Pie. So I will ride the coattails while reminding everyone I'm on their Myspace Top 8.

He's Barack Obama

He's Barack Obama

Auto-Tune the News

While there's enough content for daily updates now that it's summer and TOFA going on too, this site will probably be updated every other day or something like three times a week on average. Or just come to ABS Forums for constant updates.

Burial Plot Twist

Today is the n00b Flash update, starting with Ross J. Graham's first Flash. Yes, his first Flash, which makes it all that impressive.

Thundaboom16's definitely improving a little bit since last month's CBS Gum.

Mr.Fizzy exposes a couple of his tricks in a tutorial. Use them wisely.

HuluTube Huesday

Last week's Tube Tuesday (scroll down) on ABS showed possibly the most popular video of 2008. It turned out to be a corporate creation masked as a personal video project. So much so, that they sacastically joked about a fake marketing firm and fake budget. Telling a parody of the truth in place of coming clean.

It doesn't matter if your video is #1 highly rated and most discussed. This video shows the difference between talent and money as a method to earning popularity in the near future.

This is a response to the video above.

This image of Ahmadinejad, the supposedly re-elected President of Iran out was leaked yesterday, showing the politician's reaction to the power of the Web against his leadership.

Games That We've Played

India's Santhosh (jackbliss) is back! (No we're not outsourcing.) Here's the little-known story of how Nintendo's Mario came into being. The prequel to Mario: Back to the Start.

Here's a Music Monday for everyone who grew up in the '80s. You'll love it if only to justify wasting your childhood.

Sad Birthday, Yotam

It's Yotam's birthday today (yay :D), but he's very very sad about it. Find out why.

Where the Hell is Matt?

You may have already seen these, but this sets the stage for next week's possible Tube Tuesday.

Yo Daniel!

A free Music Monday MP3 and animated music video from the T dot O dot.

Hey, I actually posted Music Monday on a Monday. The daily updates are working so far.


Drewmo returns to Flash animation for a new Jokes with Einstein episode.

Although, he's best known on ABS for Tiny Plaid Ninjas, or if you are a true ABS member with an actual account (and most of you are not), Drewmo is known for online dating TYGA back in the day.

Last Call

I'm pleased to accept Rafa Bale as a new Albino Blacksheep animator. He's a local Toronto animator, student of Humber College, and you'll be seeing a lot more from him soon.

I think I am on the ball enough to post one file per day, starting today. Come back tomorrow for a new sequel to an old Flash series.

Maybe It's A Virus

Plem, who joined ABS with the Film School game, returns with a music video.

I guess this is Farfenwaffle's sequel to the circle in Rolling Along.

It didn't feel right to post a Music Monday (on Tuesday) without giving you a free MP3 (orange musical note icon at right-hand side). Another Pogo song. Brand new. (I'll break the habit soon).

Last week to sign up for TOFA (Tournament of Flash Artists) 2009 on the ABS Forums!