The sad end of Summer

The community-based Albino Blacksheep Tournament of Flash Artists 2009 is coming to a close with entries by Jimmy Egeland and SaltyPeach. Don't be afraid to leave comments for them after all their hard effort (and to sway the judges).

The winner will be announced soon and receive the rewards donated by the ABS community.

It's been a while

I think this was the longest I went all Summer without updating the main page. Let's start with some STWPT fun.

Much harder than the first, the new Genius test. This will certainly put you in your place.

I don't think Surn was using Flash for his animation, if I remember what he wrote on ABS Forums correctly. I think he's using SoThink, but he's definitely exhausted it enough to make the big move Flash.

When there's no main page update either I died or I am updating other parts of the site that are in desperate need of a tuneup. I updated other parts of the site, including wasting the last few days creating a Horoscopes section and then providing the code as a free horoscopes script for other sites. Don't be surprised if I open up more sections of the site that don't appeal to this audience whatsoever. I like coding random experiments 'til my eyes bleed.

Tomorrow night is the deadline for the TOFA 2009 finals between Jimmy and Salty. Call up Vegas to place your bets.


Peter Foster (username: oddball-studios) recently joined Albino Blacksheep as an animator and there's some very impressive 3-D work with his first submission. He'll be looking for feedback in the comments.

Your mixed reviews seemed to only have enouraged noob animator VanillaShipwrek to think he can start a series. Actually, besides the dollar-store microphone voices, there's something simple I like about it.

Missing Piece #3 with comments

Baconneggs has been hit with the TOFA curse, which left SaltyPeach unopposed in the semi-finals. Watch it now (and comment).

Boinky33 and Mr.Fizzy created some quick side experiments this week as a break from the epic longer animations they both have in the works.

Lastly for today, the noob files. They could use some harsh critique. Don't be shy.

The new comment system has been going pretty well except that most people are posting as Guests and not even setting their avatar. Remember, you don't even have to login to change your name or upload an avatar, but it is much better if you do login.

Missing Piece #2 Comment, comment, comment

Here is Jimmy's "missing piece" animation for TOFA 2009. It's every children's cartoon rolled into one.

I've been experimenting with Google FriendConnect over the last 24-hours, but most of your comments are not displaying due to some Google bugs. So now I'm trying out some experimental comments below the animations instead. Maybe they will stick. Feel free to really test it out and leave comments on all your favourite Flash Videos. Right now there are zero comments total with this system. Populate! (No "1st"s.)

Missing Piece #1 Vote, Vote, Vote

In the 2009 TOFA (Tournament of Flash artists) semi-finals, the theme was "the missing piece", and here is Frozenfire's entry.

Jackbliss missed the entrance deadline of TOFA altogether, but made a contribution for fun dedicated to the losers (consider this your consolation prize). I think we can expect Jackbliss to enter the next contest.

In 24-hours or so, I'll post another entry on this page.



Will Arbuckle released Cuboy 3, which I think is a pretty impressive use of Flash technology. You can head on over to watch it, or watch the whole Cuboy series in sequence.

Past episodes.

Tube Tuesday

While we wait for TOFA 2009's semi-final entries to come in, I figured there hasn't been a Tube Tuesday in quite some time.

JibJab animates for Weird Al again. I probably wouldn't have even noticed if it weren't for Twitter.

It will never beat a video that Weird Al directs himself.

Don't get too paranoid. It's just a theory. Be sure to check out Eminem in Funny People.

Norman McBride sent this in thinking I would like it. He was right.

MP3 Monday Aug. 3, '09

Another free download from Songs To Wear Pants To animated by Mr.Fizzy's friend, Thundaboom.

Weird thing is, I can probably put whole Trent Reznor albums up for Music Monday.