TOFA sneak peak

Andy Master Of Fish posted at Jul 28 2009, 12:45 AM

I got tired of seeing music that loops until the game ends and wanted to see what happened when the game looped until the music ended.

Jamie is admittedly animating in the Family Guy style, but what she is missing (yes, she) is a male voice lead to play Jesus if this series continues.

TOFA 2009 Open Round 2

The theme of Open Round 2 is "Freedom at Last". Vote, vote, vote on each one. You should always be voting.

As TOFA progresses, the rounds get shorter, and some artists just cannot handle time constraints. Everyone is given the same theme and the same timeframe, but even with all the animation talent in the world, a career in Flash is only possible with good time management. I appreciate they at least made something to keep the prize donation formula in the positive.


The Open Round of TOFA 2009 allowed everyone to participate, but it should be pretty obvious which artists were weeded out from their first submission. Feel free to vote, and I'll show you Round 2 in a day or two.

I promised Thundaboom16 for a long time that I would post this.

Happy Noodle vs. Sad Noodle

It was a very long wait, but R. Wappin is back with yet another worth-the-big-download Epic animation.

It's a followup to Hello, Fred the Beard, which also features music by the late Logan Whitehurst.

Dark Show

Hope you like chip tunes because the second Basketball Cartoon has arrived.

Let's welcome Crazy13, a new member to Albino Blacksheep who has been waiting patiently for his music videos to be featured.

I am pretty sure this is meant to say 2009, not 2008.

TOFA Sneak Peak #4

Episode one of a promising series by Slintas.

You may remember these voices from Jimmy Egeland's Eco-Bunnies.

How nice. Tom and Tubbs review this site.

HuluTube Huesday


Just a quick break between TOFA sneak peaks to announce a new and continuing series by Ross Bollinger called Pencilmation. Ross estimates he'll submit one new episode every other week for ABS.

Also, "Tom and Tubbs" is a possible new video series for ABS depending on your feedback. The style fits the site because it's mostly done in Flash, but the humour is yet to be determined. :/

TOFA sneak peak #3

Hope everyone had a great July 1st and July 4th week, and saw some fireworks. Anyways, here's Carbonwater's prequel to a new series he is working on.

More from the Open Round of TOFA where the theme is "discovering a new ability".

I'll post more TOFA entries this week.

TOFA sneak peak #2

FrozenFire, Bob Barker and Badly Drawn made it to the next round in TOFA. It was around this time last year FrozenFire completed a great collaboration, and earlier this year Bob Barker got a directory on this site.

It ain't no Bob and the Apple, but no apple would be off its meds that long.