True Facts about Bottled Water that Science doesn't want you to know

Last week, you may have seen The Story of Bottled Water. Well, it seems there is even more information hidden about what's going on behind the scenes with bottled water, presented here in an easy-to-read infograph. You'll never drink bottled water again.

Ask Raptor Jesus

Captain Planet

This is the first new Chris Voight animation to be released on Albino Blacksheep, and keeping with tradition, here's a cutout of an overweight Captain Planet. (The tradition is the cutout, not the overweight Captain Planet, although that won't be the last you see of him.)

If Reed had created this back in 2003, I truly believe his animation would be as popular as other similar story-telling ones like The 5th Avocado or even Hey! Who Took My Pie?. You'll want to comment, as he'll be hanging on your every word and acting accordingly.

Stay tuned for something new from TooMuchSpareTime.

Speshil sheepy

Groovemastercox has been a wonderful addition to Albino Blacksheep ever since his Why can't Ninjas be part of our School Systems two-parter. Groovemastercox submitted the Tomato Animation in attempt to win one of NitWitt's four plush sheepies. He lost, but there's one sheepie and week left on the Forums to win.

The retarted sheep on the right was the first to be requested, and even has his own facebook page as well as SPESHIL SHEPY'S OFISHUL WEBSUT!!!! :D

It doesn't have to be exactly Earth Day to post environmental files.

I don't think I can allow myself to skip these classics this Earth Week.


The Earth Day update may end up being an Earth Evening update, but consider this a pre-Earth Day Tube day, as promised.


I don't want to make a guarantee, but I think instead of Tube Tuesday, I can do Tube Week, meaning I think this will be the week with small daily updates. Thanks to Internet Jesus for this Tube suggestion.

Some just2pale classics that I hope aren't "too soon".



Today, Albino Blacksheep officially welcomes animator Drew Crockett. His username is just2pale and he provided ABS with 20 animations and 2 games both new and from years past which should make up for last week without updates.

You may already be familiar with some of his animations if you were into Flash back in the early half of last decade. How time flies. Just2pale animates a variety of styles, genres and concepts, so give each of his files a chance and comment.

The Professor Brothers

If you liked the George Washington MP3 like I do, JFK by the same artist might stick into your head equally hard.

The proper title of the JFK music video is History Lesson #1 from Brad Neely's The Professor Brothers Web series.

These are my favourites.

This won't be the last time I post something made by Brad Neely. I'm addicted to this non-animated style of animation.

Opening Day

Today's submission is a parody of one of my favourite Internet songs. Instead of George Washington, this so-called "Glenn Casper" emailed me to submit an animation about Ron Washington, the cocaine-addicted baseball player.

In 2005 just2pale created an extremely popular animation to an already popular prank call titled, Searching for Souls. He's now working on a Twilight parody called Twatlight. I have to be honest and say Bogswallop's Dimlight will be tough to beat, but I am optimistic for a great animator like just2pale.

I probably would have skimmed over this noob submission email if it weren't for the title. It even has a plot.

Mr.Fizzy has released the final part of ScreamMan, ScreamMan Part 3. Now, Mr.Fizzy and I disagree if this is a series or not. I think, at least plotwise, ScreamMan is one episode in three parts where each cannot stand on its own. So, not a series. On the other hand, Mr.Fizzy thinks that since series get thumbnails on the Flash page and probably more traffic and fans, ScreamMan should therefore should be a series.


Eric Stoller on Twitter posted that this April Fool's video reminded him of Animator vs. Animation. To me, it's more like Icon's Story.

All of the above will work on your iPod/iPhone/iPad.