Does Blobby like?

Updates and replies to my email have fallen behind one week. I don't expect you to understand. What I do expect you to do, is take revenge upon those wasting my time from keeping you entertained.

I think once an unoffical music video is created as an animation it becomes a shame to attempt to match the energy with filmography. It is almost as if the animation is the music in its visual form. Deaf people would get it. If I remember correctly, this video was suggested by rX_Golem from ABS Forums.

New episodes of Casper & Spooky are coming, but in the meantime boinky33 has released a special commentary version of the last three episodes. These commentaries can be found on most ABS Flash files after pressing the special key code, but boinky33 is nice enough to bring it to the n00b masses in its own file.

If you are a budding animator listen up. Albino Blacksheep hosts TOFA (The Tournament of Flash Artists) every year since 2007 and this Summer will be the start of the 4th TOFA. It is a social tournament where you can use the open communication to psyche-out or bribe your opponent in order to win. There's also a bikini contest.

Adobe® (producers of Flash and Photoshop) are giving out free... uuuhh.. Flash and Photoshop for TOFA 2010. Also, the community is working hard to raise more money than the last three TOFAs combined.

The open round of TOFA 2010 is beginning soon, so self-nominations will be closing after a week and a half from today. Join us in the Flash Developers section of ABS Forums to just watch or take part. NitWitt will take care of any questions on the Forums, and you are free to email me.

Rappy McRapperson

Rappy McRapperson

It doesn't matter how so-called "urgent" the subject header in your email is. If you have an interesting name, I'm going to open your email. Thanks for the submission, Rappy McRapperson.

The catch to getting your music video featured here is to provide a free MP3.

I was lucky to be on Twitter at just the right time to watch Jambo's live screencast of himself animating. This time, a classic stick-fighting style Flash.

You would think that Boinky33 is a terrible animator by his reviews alone. He's actually pretty talented.

I like Mark Chaffer's previous submission Windmills of your Mind much better than his latest. They are both some type of music for the blind, it seems.

Paul Voltaire the Pole Vaulter

Ixintro is back since his late Halloween submission Bloody Sundae. He's also back to accept his nomination into TOFA 2010, the Fourth Annual Tournament of Flash Artists sponsored by Adobe.

pole vaulter

Just before nominations began, NitWitt donated four plush sheepies in a mini pre-TOFA warmup contest. Cab00se and Mr.Fizzy went head-to-head for the last one, but Mr.Fizzy won by submitting the first and only animation of his with an actual plot. It may even be suitable for the Epic section. I said, "may".

Don't you want Spider Powers?


I have been waiting and it is finally here. Just2pale has released the fourth episode Meeting of his Web series Spider Powers (named after episode 1). At first this only looked like random animations in a C&H drawing style, but a character base is coming together for this series to take off in the long run.
