TOFA Open Round: Backwards Day

The first theme of this year's Tournament of Flash Artists is "backwards day". Some animators went the obvious more literal route while some were more experimental and implemented the theme subtly. Some used dialogue and some were action-based. Some had unique titles and some were simply called "backwards day". Each animator has his or her own style and variety is the slice of life. So many to watch. So many for you to comment on. I will have to repost the best of these to give them proper exposure.

A TOFA round is a great place to start a Web series and introduce new characters.

This one is quite epic. TOFA entries have a way of being very meta, using the animation to make fun of the theme that is being animated.

TOFA veteran boinky33 showed up for the round as well as Germany's molkman.

Even though the list is random, I altered it a bit to keep girlfriends and boyfriends together (and don't names like Fufuberry and earthbearz just go together?) There are odds this couple could even be matched up against each other in the tournament, but that's for the celebrity judges to decide.


Goremaster character

18 back-and-forth emails later, Albino Blacksheep presents the world premiere of a new animated Flash series by Zack Hicks.

Toonie Tuesday

Mr-Scriblam is back and he brought a team with him. Isn't Mr-Scriblam supposed to be busy with TOFA 2010?

A Team Fortress 2 animation is the new Mario sprite animation, and Nathan Malone comes though in his own style.

New Oldies

The object of this game is that you were bit by a radioactive spider and you shoot web. You'll get the hand of it.

Goat-Man is showing his 2008 animations before completing his 2010 animation. Expect a big improvment. Goat-Man is also Canadian, so this will fill my CRTC Canadian content obligations.

There was also a Dr. Steel on the drums. This is some pretty committed fan art considering the guitar graphic is hand drawn from scratch.

My computer is so bloated, I can't even get this to play for a screenshot, but the half animation half live-action pilot Stonerds will continue. If you've seen Stonerds and want more, watch A Response from Stonerds.

Tomorrow or the day after I'll post a sneak-peak of the Open Round from TOFA 2010.

Minimum Wage

I had no idea Yotam would make a new birthday animation this year. Now I will expect it every year like the One Million and Two Million page views songs.

Reily's latest Animutation since John McCain Says No. I will always try to make room for Animutations.

Scene from Yotam's 19th Birthday

fish sticks?

Rapper Rappy McRapperson and animator Taylor Bortner are still teamed up and will have a brand new Flash animation complete later this Summer. They have been hyping me up for it, but I'll take the more Apple-esque approach and not give anyway any details until it's shipped uploaded.

When you have an idea for an animation, but it seems too silly, just go for it anyways when the alternative would be no animation at all. It's always welcoming to see something from LazyBoy.

There was supposed to be a video in this spot, but you know when you have to run your computer for a long time to upload a very large file and then at the very end the file gets corrupted or something goes wrong? Well, that's what happened. I'll try again.

Anyway, anyway, anyway

NewShape emailed me that he forgot his ABS Forums password from two years ago. The email contained an attachment of these creepy files.

Oponok will be joining as a contestant in TOFA 2010; the best TOFA ever.


Xeon processor

If you can read this, Albino Blacksheep is running off the newer, faster server.

If you notice any errors or files missing, please let me know.

The Beatles Tribute

Today, ABS is showcasing animation tributes to The Beatles, animations voiced by the Beatles and anything else that combines Beatles with animation. Watch any many of the animations as you can, but don't forget to check out I Met the Walrus.

Abbey Road

TOFA 2010 (The Tournament of Flash Artists) is getting greater than can ever be expected this year. This may call for a best of TOFA update before this year's kickoff. However, ABS still has some Mr.Fizzy, a two-episode series and an update on Stonerds to showcase.