In 1996 Albino Blacksheep began, and I was optimistic that one day, some how, people would recognize the unique name "Albino Blacksheep". Not recognize myself, not my music, just the name, "Albino Blacksheep". I was right.
What I didn't realize were the eyestrain headaches and the bad posture required to make that happen, but that's a small sacrifice.
Those are minor details compared to the work, drama, education, money issues, blackmail, threats, lies, stress and general nonsense that could be made into at least three action movies. But to let some paradoxical oxymoron be known worldwide, some of that should be expected. What I completely ignored, but couldn't avoid, was having a life outside of Albino Blacksheep.
I am getting older. I may be settling down. I was in the hospital last week with pains I cannot cure. I have bills that say something other than "hosting fees". I'm not shortsighted. I knew real life would come sooner or later.
For the past year, I have had the motivation, energy and ideas to take this site to the next level. The only problem was this pesky thing called real life. In real life, I am not the administrator of Albino Blacksheep. That's my online identity. In real life I cannot be at the computer all hours of the day answering boilerplate mass-emails. In real life, I live a real life.
I kept a close eye on Albino Blacksheep members, secretly looking for someone I could make into the next administrator. Once I thought I found him, I stopped looking. Big mistake. He completely misunderstood what Albino Blacksheep represents and what my role is.
Albino Blacksheep is a site that features the amazing work and talent of other people. Sure, there's a lot of my own, but there's also 100 other artists that shaped the identity and culture of ABS. Some of whom are not only amazingly talented, but amazingly loyal to this site for no good reason. That's what this site has come to represent. I do not sign my name on this site. I do not talk about myself and I do not crave any personal attention. Perhaps if I were insecure in the real world, my place in Internet meme history could smooth me.
What I thought of as my future admin, didn't share these values and engaged in unethical destructive behaviour to gain the personal attention he craved. One cannot use this site to supplant his or her personal identity. For example, if you are a loser in the real world, a Website can't change that. This Website doesn't owe a position or status to anyone. It does not owe someone a new identity. The site belongs to everyone equality as a place to showcase talent. Not ego!
This site gives what cannot be asked of it.
I get asked by highschoolers doing an essay on a Website about what makes me want to be creative. The answer defines this site's identity and anyone who I would allow into it.
People seek their place in the stars, their immortality or the spotlight. Whatever you want to call it. For every million people attempting fame in the creative and entertainment industry, 999,999 people fail. What does the successful person do differently? The successful person portrays their unique and true experiences, their culture and personal influences onto their work. Successful comedians, artists and musicians paint their true persona for the audience. Loved for their true expression of identity, not for a false perfect identity they want to portray.
Let me get to the point.
This part year I have taken Albino Blacksheep to the streets. Meeting big names at Google, YouTube and Reddit as well as little names of equal importance. If ABS is going to continue, it's going to work with the best by representing itself in the best light. This will be both behind a computer and in real life.
I am looking for this site's successor. I am looking for the next administrator. I don't need a shady anonymous person hiding behind a computer demanding to be a partner who hasn't a clue or respect for what this site's been through to strive and survive. Show me who you are and tell me what would make you a good administrator of this site. Record a video of yourself and send it to me. Don't be afraid to show the world either.
Do it now. Do it today. There is no later.
Edit: Videographer and animator jackbliss submitted a video résumé.
Keep your résumés coming and I'll see you on the new Flash Forums for an amazing contest.