I truly believe animated lectures are the future of education and learning. To test their effectiveness, here are two unrelated topics you probably have no interest in.
It could be that today we are on the brim of existence. There are billboards all around stating that today is the day of Rapture which is followed by The End of the World in October. If this turns out to be false, ABS will resume to normal. Otherwise, here is an update with animations to remind you of your sins.
One thing I enjoy just as much or even more than new animators submitting to Albino Blacksheep, is when veteran members make a comeback. Yotam, it's been a whole 10 days! Here's the funny sequel to Yotam and Fantasia 1 and Yotam and Fantasia 2.
If I or anyone in the world still used MySpace, you'd notice that Old Man Pie is one of my top friends. They'll remember Albino Blacksheep their whole life, and I'll remember Old Man Pie, always. Old Man Pie has animated a music video for a song from Poet and the Loops, and if you currently have a bed bug infestation, watch the video with your eyes closed.
Jackbliss still visits this site even though all the members of ABS Forums pick on him. Does anyone have the heart to tell him he's in an abusive relationship with a Website?
I'm sure everyone has heard the news that Osama bin Laden has been killed by American forces. After almost 10 years, the Political section of this site is actually relevant again. Quite a few gems in there. It's unfortunate that some great works have a short shelf life.