
Ben is back for video game fans.

Ross Bollinger of Pencilmation fame is back to start a new series in the same style, History of the World. Looking forward to modern man.

Blue Monday

Vakava Designs experimenting with even more 3D in Flash.

If you make it to the high score list, let me know.

There's nobody who hasn't been shown The End of the World cartoon. It was released here in 2003 and gave a timely expectation of how the world ends. With December 2012 approaching CGP Grey gives their reasoning on why people believe 2012 is the year people believe the world ends, and if it has any merit.

The following is 5 musicians playing one guitar together, and sounding amazing doing do. Walk off the Earth could tour without even needing a van to lug a bunch of instruments.


The first animation to Koit's latest song of the new year featuring previous characters of his. Don't complain you don't know what you are getting into.

An old classic from the desk of ZekeySpaceyLizard. Someone forgot the title and thought it was gone for good.

Narrated by the late George Carlin. This is Ivan's followup to Lady Killer.

Happy New Year

If you ever need a random idea for an animation, just write down your dreams as soon as you wake up. It's a good idea for the new year.

In my quest to seek out non-Flash styles of animation, here is stop motion mixed with arts and crafts with some kind of conveyor belt.

Though, you can still use a conveyor belt in a Flash cartoon.

Wait for it...