Leap Year

A new and clean song from the one and only Koit.

The following animation is insane. There hasn't been anything like it in a while.

Bob Orilee returns after 8 years. He became popular with his 2004 submission of DoodooCaca on ABS, but was also Internet famous years before with his songs Space People and F*ck Sh*t Piss.

10 years ago on ABS:

Today is leap day, the one day that only comes around every four years. On this day a woman is allowed to propose to a man. My contact link is at the bottom. I'm @albinoblack on Twitter. I'll be waiting.


You'll remember Eustus from Dog Cat, and he has since been trying to top his hit. This could be it this time.

I think Ben is a regular now.

Some animations hide in a video game reference, but Jordan has a series based on Minecraft.

There's a search engine at the top right, but episode 1 and 2 are there if you are interested.

Singles Awareness Day

Anthony, under his new user name, presents a great animation for Albino Blacksheep's Valentine's Day 2012. Feel free to send the link to your sweetheart.

TooMuchSpareTime presents the 4th episode of StrifeToons especially for Valentine's Day 2012 on ABS.

The second episode of History of the World plus a commentary version of the first episode. Great for getting into the mind of an animation director. Maybe you'll want to animate for here some day.

In Albino Blackshee's annual TOFA animation contest, one of the rounds was to animate the "worst date ever". These are some of the entries.

Now, the moment you've been waiting for. The Valentine's Day classics mini mega update.

Love is a common theme in animation, so if you can't get enough valentine's files, check the archives from February of each year.

Orange door hinge

The 4th episode from LazyBoy lazy series.

In The Flip Side, men and women have reversed roles. Puts things into perspective.


Epic Rap Battles of History reached out to me to let me know about Season 2. Hitler and Vader go at it again, and an epic rap battle that takes place in Sparta.

Season 1.

Noah Wilson has created a half-animation half-puppet show for a new series.