Scotia Plaza Futures Group
- #ffffff
- #000000
- #ec111a
- #c6c1a3
- #48442c
Web Design: 2010
- Layout
- Scripts
- Photo editing

The design task came with a list of font and colour requirements. It had branding guidelines as many large corporations do.
The ScotiaMcLeod offices at Scotia Plaza still had computers running Internet Explorer 7, and my work at the time was guaranteed to work with at least Internet Explorer 6 (Internet Explorer 9 was already released), but I wanted to still be able to do something modern in old browsers (in 2010 standards).
I included a script called DD_belatedPNG so I could use alpha-transparent PNG images for Intenet Explorer 6. This way I had no problem with overlaying logos and having transparent backgrounds.
Even though you see round corners and shadows, there is no border-radius or box-shadow as these weren’t compatible at the time.
Today, a site like this would be quick to make because shadows and round corners can be coded in, but back then these things had to be made as drawings first, and then lined up perfectly with the layout.