
Web Design

Heaven Can Wait

Webmaster: 2016–current

  • Responsive layout
  • SEO
  • Schema markup
  • Contact forms
  • Map
  • Product list
  • Logo animation
  • Photo editing
  • Brochure
  • Business card
  • Web Hosting
  • Social media assets

iPhone 5/5S/SE

11:47 PM

Heaven Can Wait iPhone

David Goodman had put out a request on Facebook for a Web designer to remake his site, and a few of his friends recommended me.

When I completed the layout he asked me to send a screenshot. I said I cannot. It can only be seen in person.

I created an animated heaven background. When the sun is set, the cardiograph is shown. When the sun rises, the sky fades blue and begins to cover the cardiograph. Clouds pass through the whole time, but become more transparent during the night visuals.

SEO was the focus, so I wanted to keep the page lean. Instead of using a video background (which would be very slow), I did what Super Mario Bros. does. I saved space by reusing visuals. I used the same cloud images in different sizes and positions to give the illusion of more variety. The sky and the sun contain no external resourses and are completely made with a few lines of code.