KOffice is a free open source office suite that runs natively on KDE. It encourages OpenOffice fileformats.
KOffice is full-featured with the suite comprising of 10 different programs.
- KWord
- Word processor.
- KSpread
- Spreadsheet and mathamatical formulas.
- KPresenter
- Presentation program.
- Kivio
- Flowchart drawing program.
- Karbon14
- Vector drawing program.
- Krita
- Bitmaps graphics drawing and editing program.
- Kugar and KChart
- Chart and reports programs.
- KFormula
- Math formula editor.
- Kexi
- Database management.
- KPlato
- Project management.
OpenOffice is a very comprehensive and complete office suite, so be prepared for the large download. I'm looking at about 142MB for the Windows version.