LimeWire by Lime Wire

[LimeWire] LimeWire is a Peer-to-Peer file sharing program. This allows you to search for files like songs, videos or pictures and connect you to those files by finding other peers that already have them.

Those familiar with Peer-to-Peer or P2P software know that the popularity of one P2P program leads to its downfall. Popular P2P programs install spyware, adware and other software packages without your knowledge.

LimeWire is a little better, and won't infect your computer. When you install LimeWire, you will be able to go through the installation at your own pace, allowing yourself a chance to uncheck the advertisement packages it asks if you would like to install as well.

If you need a popular P2P file sharing program without the worry of endless spyware, LimeWire may be the way to go.