Flash Animation Videos J-L
- Jackbliss Hype
- Jackson and the Chocolate Factory
- Jackson in the Box
- JaDa
- James and the Chief
- James and the Chief 2
- JamezBond
- Japanese VCR
- Jasper and Luke's Brilliant Escape!
- JCB Song
- Jeff's First Date
- Jeffrey Davis Flash Résumé
- Jeffery the Poor Illiterate Boy and his pal ROBOpenguin
- Jelly - Olskoo NES
- Jenny 5000 series
- Jesus H. Christ
- Jewel Heist
- JJ Cool J is Banned
- Joey's Bright Idea
- John McCain Says No
- Jokes with Einstein series
- Jollyship the Whiz-Bang! - Roving
- JTHM Blood
- Judging
- Just a Bit Crazy
- Just Another Day
- La Luna
- Lab of Ingeniocity series
- Ladies and Gentlemen
- Lapland
- The Last Event
- Lava Lamp Blues
- Lazy Writing series
- Lodger - Le Labo
- Learn to Dance with Napoleon Dynamite
- Legend of Grandma 1
- Legend of Grandma 2
- Legend of Zelda: The Music Video
- Legends: The Birth of Bigfoot
- Legos 911 / War on Legos
- Lenny the Leper
- Lick a 'bow
- Life
- Life as seen by Cynical
- Link and the Butt Pirate
- Little Cakey
- Liquid
- The Llama Song
- Lobster Magnet
- Lonely Blue Balloon
- Lonely No More
- Lost and Confound
- Lost Rhapsody
- Lotto
- Love Underground
- Lung Capacity